58. End of a life time... while time moves on

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3rd person pov:
Mavis and Zeref look at the group... Mavis smiles because (y/n) got out of her beast mode. But (y/n) keeps thinking about those who died. A red ribbon was sticking out of (y/n)'s glove.

(Y/n) takes her glove off and ribbon off. There was a mark growing on her arm. "H-huh w-what is this..." (Y/n) questions. Acnologia looks at her arm.

It was a black marking with (f/c) outlines. Zeref looks at this and smirks. "Your secret is about to be unlocked... Don't worry it doesn't harm you." Zeref said.

Mavis and Zeref were talking. "You need to keep walking you guys. Zeref will guide you and teleport you... I have to speak with someone..." Mavis said. They nod their heads and walk off with Zeref.

Mavis sighs and walks to a door. She opens the door to see Blaze and Ruby. Mavis walks up to Ruby.

"Ruby rose..." Mavis said. Ruby looks at Mavis. "H-huh?" Ruby questions. Mavis smiles.

"Oh yeah i am Mavis vermilion well now Mavis Dragneel but meh. and i just wanted to say your oopsie can be fixed." Mavis said while laughing. Ruby was confused. Mavis coughs.

"I-i mean you are given a second chance...." Mavis said in a mature manner. Blaze was smiling at this. Ruby looks at Blaze.

"Ruby... Go. You need to get yo woman back." Blaze said. "Blaze... What about you?" Ruby asks. "Alpha is probably heart broken... You need to do something." Blaze said.

Mavis smiles. "Oh don't worry me and my husband will take care of the Blaze situation." Mavis said. "Bu-" Before Ruby can say anything else she sees light.

At the resort:
Jaune was sighing... He was trying to heal Ruby but people stop him. "She's gone Jaune... You can't revive her soul it is impossible." Maria said...

Nora nods her head. "(Y/n)... Was that her?" Oscar asked Maria. "What are you talking about...?" Tai asks.

"That big wolf with red eyes that killed almost everyone." Oscar said. Everyone looks at eachother. "It's too late i think." Port said.

Oobleck sighs and nod his head. Jaune was still arguing about if he should fix Ruby's wounds.

But while they were all arguing Ruby sits open. "Shut up..." Ruby said. They all stare at her.

Her wound was fixed. Terry was sitting on the couch. "W-what..." Maria trails off.

Tai runs up to Ruby and hugs her. "D-dad... Where is (y/n)...?" Ruby asks. Tai stands there

"S-she... She couldn't handle you dying so she went to kill Ein but... The anger consumed her... And... She snapped." Tai said.

Terry was looking at the realm breaker. Tai and Terry were talking. Then Terry was talking about how he and Travis are descendants of the demon warlock yada yada yada.

Ruby got up. "We need to get (y/n)... Before things turn south." Ruby said. "But..." Tai was about to argue but Terry looks down.

"Get her back... She has a secret that she herself doesn't even know about..." Terry said. "W-what is it?" Oscar asks. "I can't tell you... It is too dangerous to tell all of you." Terry said.

They were all getting prepared to get (y/n) back... Ruby got (y/n)'s jacket on. The proffesors brought their weapons.

Ruby ran out and Winter grabbed (y/n)'s backpack. Simba's wing wasn't doing well but he wanted to get (y/n) back. Kirby was doing stretches.

They were all going over the plan. They were all talking about getting Katelyn, yang, and (y/n) back. But Ren told them about what Michael did.

Terry, Tai, and Qrow decided to tell them about the child experiments and the forever potions given Yang and Katelyn.

Tai talks about his regret. They all look at eachother. "We may not come out of this alive... It is okay if you leave." Ruby said. Everyone lookd at eachother.

"Ruby... Most of us suffered through the fall of beacon... Thid might be more dangerous but we all stand together." Weiss said. Jaune smiles. "We need to get our friends back." Jaune said.

"How about if we steal the potrol boat?" Jaune asks. They all stare at him. "What is with you and stealing transportation?" Qrow asks.

"But it is a great idea." Terry said. They all were still getting prepared. Terry wanted to save Travis.

Ruby walks outside... She was wearing (y/n)'s jacket. She sighs and takes out a photo of (y/n) team JNPR and team RWBY. Ruby sighs but looks up.

They then all decided to leave. As they were out Terry walks up to the ship.

He was pretending to be Michael. "Is there anyone else on this boat?" Terry asks. "No sir. Just us" The GF said. One GF got suspicious.

"Well..." Terry said while turning around. "You were right." Terry said. Then Qrow and Tai knock the GFs out.

They all got ready and got the boat ready. They all rode off to the middle. Once there they all stood there.

"That's odd... Why aren't there GF boats surrounding the island...?" Ren asks. "They were probably sunk or destroyed when the island rose." Terry said.

"Now how do we get into this... Thing." Ruby asks. "We are going to have to find a way." Terry said.

"Wait does (y/n)'s backpack have any anti-potions...?" Terry asks. Terry looks in it and he was suprised. "The right type of anti-potions too... How... Even with labels..." Terry said.

"No questioning just be thankful." Clover said. And they got onto the island

Inside the building Michael was looking at the relic. "But this will have to do..." Michael said. "Wait wha? Sir what do you mean...?" A scientist asks.

Michael talks about how the cannon has more uses. "And this relic here is going to help me obtain the power i need!" Michael said.

He walks up to the relic and holds it. "Rise." He said. The island started shaking. "W-what's going on?" Nora asks. Katelyn was looking from afar. "He..." Terry trails off.

"EVERYONE HOLD ONTO SOMETHING!" Terry yells. The island starts rising up high. And it stops.

Ruby looks down. "We're in the sky!' Ruby yells. Katelyn then starts running up to Nora. "NORA RUN!" Ruby yells while running.

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