57. Gone...

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3rd person pov:
Helicopters were flying everywhere... Meanwhile one helicopter was staying and there were GF. The GF starts talking into her walkie talkie.

The guy needed back up. The two GF ran off. But Toby walks up and hijack the helicopter.

He threw the GF off the helicopter. And he went into the GF's seat. But of course there was an earthquake...

The middle part of starlight lifts up and stays in the water.

Meanwhile inside with Penny:
Penny was deep in thought she shared a cell with the 4 Ace-ops, Winter, and Coco. Coco was still not believing Velvet is dead.

Winter was sighing. The 4 Ace-ops were all talking. "What do you think happened out there?" Harriet asks. "Hmm... (Y/n) most likely snapped already..." Vine said. "What makes you think that?" Winter asks.

"Think about it. The white haired suit dude controled everyone and i just got a feeling." Vine said. Penny then got free from her cuffs. "H-how?" Coco asks.

"I don't know i just got it from my data base." Penny said. Penny then destroys everyone elses cuffs. "What about the others and how do we eacape?" Winter asks.

Elm walks up to the door. "Open sesame!" Eim said. The door doesn't open and Elm shrugs. "Welp that's all i got." Elm said.

Penny walks up to the door and very carefully disabled the alarms and opens the door with brute force. They all look at her. "They are in the next cell... Come on." Penny said...

Penny breaks down the other doors causing alarms to go off the proffesors and Tai look at them. Penny breaks off their cuffs and they all ran.

Penny sighs. "Winter can you make something big so we can fly off of like i don't know." Harriet said. "Well i can make a big nevermore.

They all agree and Penny was shooting every GF out of her away. But the GF stops. "Michael said they aren't worth it... The cannon is ready." A GF said. And they left.

"What about Igneel? The agent trio?" Tai asks. "They are in a restricted area so we can't get them." Penny said. And they found a way out.

Winter makes a giant nevermore and they flew off to the resort house. They land and burst in. "Huh?!" Daniel questions.

"We escaped the GF!" Penny said happily. "What's all this rukus... Oh." Qrow said. "Qro- your eyes look bloodshot... What happened?" Tai asks.

Qrow looks down with a few tears dripping down his face. "... Yang... Is under control... And Ruby... She... Sh...e..." Qrow trails off. Penny was confused until she went upstairs to see Ruby's body...

"Ruby...." Penny said. Tai walks in to see Ruby. "Wait where is alpha?" Marrow asks. "She... She ran off... Ruby died in (y/n)'s arms... She also got shot by Ein infront of her... (Y/n) walked off dropping her backpack and jacket... We don't know what happened... My guess is that she snapped..." Qrow said.

Meanwhile in the celestial cannon building:
Alarms were blaring. Scientist were talking and Michael walks up and the alarms stop. They all started talking. "Wait so why did you let them escape?" The scientist said.

"They are usless now." Michael said. "MICHAEL!" Zack's voice was heard. "What did you do?!" Zack exclaims.

"You never told me you were going to kill her!" Zack yells. Michael walks up to Zack. "Why does it matter? You were so willing to put Ein in harms way but your niece is much more bigger priority than your own son?" Michael questions. "I just had to be fair." Michael adds.

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