26. Always...

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(Y/n)'s pov:
I give yang the anti potion and told her what to do... I run ahead of Simba and Yang they were calling for me... But i didn't care all i care about is Blake being safe... I see Blake and Adam.

They turn around... "Hehe... So you're alive... Barely." Adam said. It was silent....

"Nothing to say?" Adam questions. "What about to her?" Adam asks while smirking and pointing at Blake.

I growl. "LET HER GO!" I yell. "You're in no position to talk." Adam said. Adam turns to Blake...

"So lets try this again..." Adam said while bringing out a knife... "Blake darling..." Adam said while giving the knife to Blake...

Blake takes it... "Do not fail me this time..." Adam said. "I will not!" Blake yells while running towards me with the knife...

Blake was about to stab me with the knife... But i caught her hand and she drops the knife... I grab both of her hands stopping her...

"Let me go!" Blake yells. I look down and see Blake with the black eye. My eyes turn into a glowing red...

I yell out of anger. I step away from Blake huffing... Blake steps away from me.

Adam looks at me and runs. I run after him chasing him down...

He accidentally dropped his sword... He looks back at me and i jump at him trying to punch him... But he jumps out of the way and my fist lands in the snow.

He starts running away and i jump from tree to tree... I hop of a tree and punch Adam. We both fell but he got up and started running again.

I got up a bit later and ran after him. He tries to punch me but i duck underneath his punch. He punches me and i put up my fists blocking the punch...

I uh... Can't use magic because i lost the energy to.

He tries punching me again but i block it. I use my other arm and punch him. Then i kicked him in the stomach.

He flies back and tumbles but does a back flip. He runs off deeper into the forest but i chase after him.

He ducks underneath the tree branch but i ran right through it that it broke. I tackle him and we broke apart.

My bandana coming of... We both stood up but he was panting. I look to see my bandana...

Adam starts laughing maniaally... "To answer your question earlier... No... No matter how many times i hit her... She will still love me!" Adam yells.

I ran up to him jumping at him and trying to kick him but he dodges... I land near a tree.

Adam ran up to me and punch me in the stomach multiple of times... I then grab his fist. He tries punching me with his other fist but i ducked underneath him...

I punch him and he punches me causing me to slide on the ground i got up.... I run away and i see a tree i jump off that tree trying to kick Adam but he grabs my leg and slams me against the tree.

He then throws me against the ground causing me to slide away. I got up and ran at Adam. I try punching him but he dodges it.

He tries punching me but i keep hopping back wards. We keep trying to hit eachother but we kept dodging. I then uppercut him.

I then kept punching him. He falls down but he uses his arm and shoots him up. He uses the same arm and punches me.

I tumble but got up. He punches me "you chose to live as a human..." Adam said. Then he uppercut me and punches my stomach making me fall.

"Now you will die like one." He said. I land by my bandana... I look at it...

Voices kept ringing in my head... "I will never forget about you" Blake's voice said.

"What are you going to do?" Pyrrha's voice asks my ears and tail pop out. Adam tries to punch me but i grab his fist.

I then grab his body and throw him against a tree. He gets up and looks at me. I jump up high thanks to the werewolf strength and try kicking him but he jumps aside and i break the tree making it fall.

I jump at Adam again and punch him and kick him. He tries to punch me but i uppercut him. I try to punch him and he dodges...

I punch him again and the next punch was right in his stomach. He got shot back.  He holds his stomach.

But then he runs after me i kick him in his stomach. He flies back and lands on the ground a few feet away from me.

"YOU HURT HER!" I yelled. He chuckles "And she deserved it... And i will do it again when i get back she will still love me either way." He said. I walk up to him. And punch him he lands far away and looks at me.

"You won't make it back!" I yelled. He laughs maniacally... "Waht are you going to do? Finish me then!" He said.

I walk up to him... "Adam you think i will die as a human... Oh ho ho ho you got it wrong..." I said. He looks at me confused.

I grabbed him by the throat. And rips cover off of his eyes... I then blink open my eyes and his horns are gone... I drop him

He was panicking... "M-my horns w-what did you do to them?!" He yells. He screams.

"You took from me the person i loved before i died... And now i am taking the thing you only thing you cared about before you die." I said. He looks at me... I then grab the sword my dragons gave me...

I then walk up to him... And stabbed him in the heart multiple times... I then chop his head off... Strange how i chop people's head off but meh...

I walk away picking up my bandana and putting them around my eyes. I was walking back but i keep on getting weaker and weaker...

I look down to see blood. But i kept going... After some time i felt my eyes getting heavier...

I fall on the ground... But i don't want to give up so i got up and kept walking... Leaving blood behind...

I look up to see Simba and Yang holding Blake... Yang uses the potion... 

But the potion didn't work....

She needs to smile... Yang and Simba looks at me... "Let her go." I said.

Yang and Simba looks at me then back at Blake they let her go.... Blake grabs the knife and i open my arms wide...

"I HATE YOU!" Blake yells while cutting me.  "I HATE YOU WITH EVERYTHING I HAVE!" Blake yells while cutting me again.

"SOMEONE AS WORTHLESS AND PATHETIC AS YOU!" Blake yells again while cutting me. "YOU ARE NOTHING COMPARED TO MY LOVE!" Blake yells while cutting me.

"JUST DIE!" Blake yells while cutting again... "You just need to smile." I said while walking up to her...

"Stay back! Stay back... stay back." She yells while crying. She tries to stab me but i hug her.

"I will always be here for you... You stupid edgey kitty..." I said in her ear.

3rd person pov:
Blake gets flashbacks of her and (y/n)... Her eyes turn back normal... And she started crying.

(Y/n) then falls on the ground. "(Y/N)!" Blake yells while crying...

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