55. Too late... part 2

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3rd person pov:
Toby and Daniel were running in the cave. They stop. "Back cave." Daniel said. "Bat cave?" Toby asks.

"I said back cave." Daniel said. Daniel looks around. "We can't get out from here." Daniel said. "Then we'll swim." Toby said.

"But we need to go back for Ruby..." Daniel said. "I don't know what your plan was but you should've never come back to the cave... That was a stupid decision." Toby said.

"The smartest thing we can do now is to get help." Toby said. "Get help? I heard what Ein said... Captain of the Guardian Forces... You only want to get help just to lock me up just like everyone elese." Daniel said.

Toby and Ein were arguing. Then Toby tried to call the people at the team. The lady asks for the location and Toby gave her the location.

"Sir? We need to know your location... Waterfall? By the cavern?" The lady asks. "I'm not the priority... The werewolves are in the cavern." The lady said.

"Sir we need to know your location." The lady said. "I am not in danger!" Toby yells. "Your location sir we need to find out where you ran out after you met Ein." The lady said.

This made Toby's and Daniel's eyes widen... Toby drops his phone. "We need to get out of here... Now!" Toby yells. He and Daniel ran into the water and started swimming.

Meanwhile at the house (y/n) and her group were staying in...
The boat left... Blake, Jaune, Simba, and Kirby were looking for (y/n) telling her that the boat left.

They walk into the room. Jaune looks at (y/n). They all went up to (y/n) to see if she was okay. "(Y/n) is everything okay?" Jaune asks.

Blake gasps and looks at the TV. Jaune looks at the TV too. Simba had tears in his eyes.

Jaune shuts the TV. Simba covers Jaune's eyes. Blake looks at (y/n).

"(Y/n) we need you to stay with us... I'm here... We're going to get you home. Everything is going to be okay." Blake said. (Y/n) had tears in her eyes. "It was me... I did this..." (Y/n) said.

"No! Don't think that... Don't blame yourself." Blake said. (Y/n) looks up. "What can i do?" (Y/n) asks.

"We need to get you out of here... Come on." Blake said while helping (y/n) up. They walk away. Simba uncovers Jaune's eyes and told him not to go near (y/n) until she is calm.

Meanwhile with Yang, Qrow, Clover, and Weiss:
The group was walking. "What did they do?" Yang questions as she looks at the beaten up houses. "Most of all... Why?" Clover questions.

They kept walking. They were all worried for everyone... They see GFs and hid behind a rock.

The GFs walk by. "I really hate them..." Yang growls. Then behind them was a GF. "Uh oh." Qrow mumbles.

"Hands in the air... Slowly." The GF said. He talks to his walkie talkie. The GF was about to cuff them but Ren comes up to him with a rock and smashes his head.

"Ren!" The group shouts. They all started talking a bit. They then ran off when the walkie talkie kept talking.

Ren goes a different direction and they were confused. Ren talks about how the GF boat has been near the house.

"Where is everyone else then?" Weiss asks. "I don't know but we got to hide follow me." Ren said while running off. They did as they were told and followed him.

They all ran into the house Travis and Katelyn were at. Katelyn was about to yell at them but realized who they were. Clover closes the doors.

"Yang you're a werewolf?" Travis asks. "Uh.. Uh..." Was all Yang can get out... Travis stands up.

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