Chapter 11

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Liam's POV

"Did you get it in on last night?" Louis slapped my back causing me to choke on my cereal. 

"Come on Lou-Lou. You know Liam better than that. He didn't even kiss her, did you?" Niall shot me a nasty look. I shook my head, causing the four boys to groan in disbelief. 

"If you like her man what is holding you back?" Zayn just shook his head.

"What do you want me to do, huh?" I shook my head. "I am honestly freaked out guys!"
"Group meeting session two is a-go," Harry spun the chair around straddling it. "What's wrong?"
"I like her." I stated plainly.

"No shit, Sherlock," Niall laughed his strange laugh. "We knew that from the moment she stepped off the plane. So what's holding you back from asking her out?"

"Guys, I just don't know. Niall, Amalia was used to the fame. Zayn, Rebecca was famous. So was Eleanor, Lou. I mean, Hannah was just accepting because she knew what was going to happen. Harry is forever alone.... Charlotte is different. She, she is an American who still hasn't... I don't know..."

"Liam, she told you not to worry! She obviously doesn't care. You said she was really cool about the fans yesterday. Ask her out, what's the worst she can say?" Zayn threw his hands in the air.

"No. She could say no." I dropped my head into my hands. "I don't know if I can take rejection this-this soon. I'm not even sure I can take another relationship. Honestly, I don't want Char to be my rebound. She deserves more than that and I want her to mean more than that. She does, but... and I still don't know if I can get over the fact that she doesn't really know us as a band..."  

"Idea!" Harry stuck his pointer finger high in the air. "Why don't you see if she wants to come to tour rehearsals on Saturday? Amalia will most likely be there. They can hang out and watch and then, you serenade her on stage."

"For once, Harry has a good idea. Who would have ever thought we'd see the day?!" Louis snickered.

"Hmmm," I tapped my finger against my chin contemplating Harry's idea. 

In more ways than one, it was genius. She wanted to see the band and this way she could. Rehearsals were always entertaining. 

"I guess I can ask if she wants to come...."

Louis slapped me on the back again, "Ask her during lunch today. Zayn you are third-wheeling again aren't you? Make sure he extends the invite, and if he doesn't, take the upper hand. But Liam don't be a chicken."
Louis and Harry walked out of the room flapping their wings like chickens while Niall literally on the floor laughing.
How the heck did I ever survive before them?

Charlotte's POV

The next morning I was still flying high on cloud nine. The previous night had been amazing. I was going out for lunch with Liam and most likely the other boys tomorrow, but today was meant entirely for shopping.

I logged onto my email to find two new messages. One was from Amalia and one was from Marisa, my roommate.

I opened the message from Amalia first. It read:

Hey Char,

I had a great time last night! That was so much fun! I was wondering if you would want to hang out sometime soon. From the looks of it, you and I might be spending lots of days and well dates ;) together. Just let me know.

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