Chapter 72

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Charlotte's POV

Christmas at home was better than I expected it to be. The majority of my time was spent with family, and when I wasn't with family I was with larger groups of friends so I didn't have to directly put up with Meghan and Sophia.

In ways, I felt hypocritical. When I would hang out with old school friends or with some of Chance's friends they would all ask about the boys and I would tell them. I would tell them but more importantly I wouldn't get annoyed like I did with Meghan and Soph. I guess I just expected more from them as friends, which in my opinion is fair. We'd been friends long before I had a famous boyfriend, and just like Chance had said, it wasn't fair for me to suddenly be labeled any different than before.

Five days had passed and though I was having fun, I still missed everyone. I had gotten three different calls where I had been put on speaker at sound check. For the few minutes the calls lasted, it made my day, but then I would hang up the phone and realize that they were still having fun messing around.... And I wasn't.

I had Skyped with Liam twice. The first time was on Christmas night. He asked all about my Christmas and told me about his. The second time was two days later and our mushy conversation was rudely interrupted my Harry and Louis. They had been listening in and the second Liam started ranting about how much he missed me, which was sweet, Harry and Louis ran in and started making kissy faces to us—typicalthem.

Now, it was January 29 – they day they arrived in Omaha. To say the town was buzzing with infection would have been like saying the reaction to Justin Bieber was diminutive. As I was walking through Westroads mall I could hear every teenage girl's excitement carried through their conversations.

"That has to get annoying," Zoe, Chance's girlfriend, laughed slightly. The two girls in front of us were going on and on about how hot the boys were, but more particularly, Liam.

I shrugged, "They're fans." I cupped my hand around my mouth and whispered in her ear. "Plus he is hot."

She knocked her head back in laughter. "Very true."

Chance pouted, "What did I miss?"

"Oh nothing," I slapped his shoulder playfully.

Zoe and Chance had started dating during October. Zoey was from Omaha and though she didn't go to my high school I vaguely knew who she was. She was tall and slender with long black hair and deep blue eyes. She was a huge fan of One Direction and was actually dragging Chance to the concert, but she wasn't so completely obsessed that she broke into sobs when I asked if she wanted to meet them. All she did was smile and say that her dream was to just hang out with them.

"So are your hot-shots throwing a big party for New Years Eve?" Chance asked. "I still can't figure out why they come all the way to America and party in Omaha for New Years."

I shrugged, "Doesn't make since to me either. I would have happily joined them in Vegas."

Chance and Zoe laughed, "I would have come tagged along as well."

"Who ever said you were invited?" Chance stuck his tongue out at me. "But I don't know what they are doing. They'll probably party at the hotel with the band and everyone."

I hadn't really talked to Liam about what the plans were. I just figured that I'd hang out with him, the boys, Marisa, Lauren and Amalia.

"Well I'm having a party at my house with some friends who came back to school early and then some of the basketball players who are stuck in town. If you and Liam want to stop by..." He hinted at his offer.

A World of Differences [1DFF]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora