Chapter 21

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Marisa's POV

"How have you been?" Zayn asked once we had gotten into the car.

"Stressed out about school," I answered honestly. "What do you think would happen if I just drop out?"

"You might be working at McDonald's the rest of your life," he chuckled.

"Maybe I should be a singer. You guys don't have to go to school," I kidded.

"Can you sing?" he questioned.

"My showerhead thinks I am a lovely singer, thank you very much," we both laughed.

"What are you studying?" he asked.

"English. I want to be a teacher. I will eventually get my education degree but right now I'm focused on English."

"You know I think that if I wasn't a singer, I'd be a teacher," he informed me.

"Why is that?"
"I love kids. I think they are innocent. Some days, when we get those little fans that come and meet us, I wish that I was their age again."

"That age when the worst thing that can hurt you is your parents saying you can't have another piece of cake for dessert?"

"Exactly," his eyes glistened.

"Everything was so easy then..."

"It really was. If your parents told you no you waited till they weren't looking, snuck the piece of cake to your room. Most likely, you got a belly ache. You sat in bed clutching your stomach wishing you would have listened to your parents, but then two hours later, you were fine."

"Now, pain seems to last much longer than that."

"Much much longer," he said half heartedly.

"You know people give you a bad rep," I informed him.

"What do you mean?"

"Vain Zayn really isn't all that vain, is he?"

He laughed.

"I'm serious! You haven't struck me as conceded at all!"

He shrugged, "I don't want to appear self centered."

"Well you don't. Not to me anyway."

"Thanks Riss. So, I don't know what or who is going to be at the theater but please don't be scared off by the dedicated fans or any paps that might be there."

"If people start taking pictures of me, I promise I will make weird faces to make it look like you are hanging out with some freak."

"Sounds fun. I'll make them, too. Then we can both be freaks!" His enthusiasm made me laugh. He wasn't the rock star I thought he'd be.

When we arrived at the movies, we were able to enter without any trouble. Zayn relaxed when he saw there was no one waiting for him. I'm sure it must suck not knowing if people are going to be waiting to photograph you simply going out with a friend. Then, the next thing you know, the pictures are scatter across the world. Stupid technology these days.

I'd never heard of the movie before but it was supposed to be a comedy. It was funny. I give Zayn props for picking out such a great movie.

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