Chapter 30

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Charlotte's POV
My arms were still fastened around him. His eyes were cold. Their normal warmth had fled away, fearing the pain that had swept his body. He looked broken. I knew there wasn't much I could say or do to make him feel better. It's not one of those things that you can just fix –it takes time.

I squeezed him tighter before pulling away, but his arms wrapped back around me holding me to him, so I didn't move away.

"I didn't mean to..." he tried to apologize once again.

"Liam," I muffled into his neck, "I don't want you to think that this changes anything. All it does is make me upset that she did that to you."

"It's like talking about it brought back all the emotions..." his voice was cracking. Tears were on the way.

I shushed him telling him he didn't need to explain.

"Shall we talk about something else?" I suggested.

"How about we walk back to the hotel? Walking and talking should clear my head. Then, I can give you a ride back to campus."

I slid out of the booth and grabbed my drink to throw in the trash can. After tossing it away, I walked back to Liam who was waiting for me at the door. We thanked the lady working who wished us luck. Sweet lady, I thought to myself, because we were going to need all the luck we can get.

Liam laced his fingers through mine. The night was chilly, but my heart was beating fast which kept me warm. One thing I had noticed was that around Liam, I never really got nervous anymore, but it was like I was on edge all the time –like really excited.

After realizing this, I laughed. Liam looked at me skeptically. "I was just thinking about how when I'm with you..." I paused. It was a rather odd thing to admit which caused me to chuckle again. "I guess my heart just beats really fast."

"Do I make you nervous?" the corners of his mouth turned up in amusement.

"Not anymore," I shook my head.

"I just make you..."

"Happy." I finished his sentence.

After talking about the world's most random things, we reached the hotel parking lot. We got into his car and began the drive back to school. I'll admit I wasn't looking forward to leaving him. I've said it a million times, but spending time with Liam was just fun. It was one of those things where we didn't have to be couplely all the time. We could just hang out. Not that I didn't want to kiss him. That was fine too.

"We have an interview with Alan Carr that we are recording tomorrow," Liam told me. "He always asks if we are single or not."

"Mmmhmm," I answered wondering if there was an implied question.

He took a giant deep breath, "What if I want to say yes?"

I was shocked by his question, "Liam, I get it if you want to say no," I told him. "But if you are ready to say yes, I'm ready too." It took a vote of confidence for me to say this, but if I wasn't ready now, I probably never would be.

Finally, unfortunately, we reached campus. I gave Liam a kiss on the cheek before jumping out of the car and walking to the dorm. I wasn't too far from the door of the dorms when I heard feet running behind me. It was close to three in the morning. People who were still out weren't typically running... they were more like stumbling after a long night of, well, clubbing most likely. I turned around to see who it was.

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