Chapter 48

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Charlotte's POV

I should have gotten in my car and left, but I wasn't smart enough to do that. Instead I ran through the front door and sprinted down the street. I had seen a park on my way in, and I needed a place to clear my head. Maybe I was hoping in the back of my mind that Liam would run after me, but I wasn't thinking straight.

I ran to the park in the cool October air without looking back. Once I got to the park, I followed a path until I found a place to sit. The area was covered by trees and shrubs so you couldn't see me unless you were looking. The sun had disappeared behind the clouds. A cool breeze shook the trees and nipped at my skin.

I sat down on the bench, pulled my knees to my chest and tried to control the tears that were streaming down my face.

Lauren and Liam? Liam and Lauren? It didn't make sense. I couldn't put two and two together. Why had Liam lied and said he was all depressed after Danielle broke up with him if he was really just happily making out with Lauren? Did the other boys know? I bet they all lied to me.

The thoughts pounding my head just made me cry harder as sobs shook my body uncontrollably. It wasn't like he even cheated on me. He had just lied. Everyone had lied. Lauren, Amalia, Zayn, Louis, Liam, Niall, Harry.... They had all lied.

"Char?" a deep voice shattered my thoughts, but it wasn't Liam. I looked to see Harry awkwardly hovering six or seven steps away. He shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot waiting for me to speak.

I brought my tear stained face up to stare at him boldly. "Harry I don't want to talk... to any of you!" I snapped.

"What happen?" he asked weakly.

"As if you don't know!" my voice was cold which took him by surprise.

"Erm, okay, well actually I don't. What was on that paper?"

"What's it matter? You'll just take his side anyway!" I pushed a strand of hair away from my wet, swollen red eyes.

"Why would you think that?" he muttered. "You're my friend too."

"And he's your brother. I know how it is. Band mates stick together forever, right?"

He looked down at the ground kicking a rock that wasn't there. "Well..."

"Yeah that's what I thought." I clumsily stood up and began to walk farther down the path hoping he wouldn't follow me.

"Charlotte!" his voice was uneven. He was running after me. Damn it.

"What Harry? What the hell do you want?" He was taken aback by my bitterness. He grabbed my hands and bound them in between us. With his other hand, he tilted my chin up, forcing me to look him in the eyes. His grey green-blue eyes scanned my face searching for an explanation.

"What. Was. On. That. Picture?" Each word was drawn out for emphasis.

"LIAM! Liam was on that photo stupid! Making out with your best friend!" Saying the words out loud cut like a knife. I turned my head to the side avoiding eye contact.

"What..." Harry looked confused. "Danielle? We aren't really friends."

"NO!" I threw my hands in the air. "LAUREN!" My voice faltered.

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