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Hey guyssssss

I am sorry for being out for so long. School's going hard on me like literally. We're nearing the end of our school year so I feel like it is quite reasonable why those teachers just keep dropping projects, assignments and other hell of tasks on us already stressed students.

Like, just when you though you already finished one, there comes another along with others from different subjects.

So I may not be updating for a while. I want to apologize in advance for that. Maybe I will try writing whenever I find a free time even just fifteen minutes or such to just get something in my notes. Writing relieves my stress to so I need to do it, despite focusing more on the requirements.

But when things get lighter, probably that would just happen next month after out finals, I would make it up to you guys.

Once again, sorry! Thank you for understanding my situation.

Love lots!

R.E.T. ♥

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