I Ship It (Birdflash)

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I know it's a little early, but I'm excited, okay


Jason - 17

Roy - 17

Wally - 15 (Going on 16)

Dick - 13

(Tim and Steph are barely in this, but just assume they're about 19)

"Hey man, how's your week?" Dick asked, slumping on the floor of the watchtower.

"Pretty good, you?"

"Pretty good." they paused as Wally sat on the floor next to him and shook his bag of Dorritos temptingly. Dick took a couple chips. "So Barry dragged you along?"

"Basically. I mean, I could see you getting dragged along, Bats drags you around for everything. but I don't know why I'm here."

"That's rough, did you have a date or something?"


"Valentines day, did you have a date or something?"

"Nope, I just didn't want to come." Wally shoved a handful of chips in his mouth. "Did you have something planned?"

"No, I just usually buy myself chocolate."

"Oh, hold on!" Wally ran out, full speed. Dick just shrugged and helped himself to some of the red-head's chips. 

Wally sprinted back in, practically before the robotic voice had announced him. "Here, Gotcha something." He held out a huge, heart-shaped box.

Dick stared up at him, standing up sharply. "Dude! stop! I can't let you do this!" He began sorting through his pockets for any change "Please. PLEASE!" Dick begged, forcing five dollars (it was all he had on him) at Wally.

The red-head shrugged. "No way! It's really no big, man. Best friends..?"

"NO!" Jason hissed sharply, peaking around the corner. "Oh my fu-"

"Heh, yeah... best friends." Dick repeated, his face fallen. He shoved the dollar bill back in his pocket.

There was a silence between the two. Jason was beating his head on the wall; infuriated by this hetero bullshit. He'd gone through this same phase a few years ago; you know, before he started dating his own red-head. 

The two young boys sat down again uncomfortably. "It's cool anyways, this was on sale."

Jason covered his face with his hands, groaning. The two of them cracked open the huge box and began digging in, neither of them talking. The whole scene was just so awkward. Jason was near dying from second-hand embarrassment; he wanted to run up and push their stupid faces together. He struggled to calm himself and stroll around the corner as casually as possible.

"Oh, hey kiddos, who got the chocolate?" he reached down to snag one. both boys shouted and batted his hand away. 

"HEY! OURS!" Wally yelled through a mouthful of caramel.


"...One." Dick settled.

Jason took two, much to the disgruntlement of the young teens. "Hey, you two, it's Friday, why don't you be a gentlemen and invite Wally to stay the night at the manor."

The two spoke in unison. Wally muttered: "Oh, I wouldn't want to-"

"JAY!" Dick screamed.

"It's okay, Roy's staying the night too. We're going to watch chick flicks and-"

"I don't want to hear!" Dick demanded.

"Okay, but if you two want to, we can watch mean girls and clueless."

Wally swallowed. "I want to watch Clueless!"

"Awesome! I'll go tell Barry and Roy about our plans." Jason skipped up and across to where the meeting was in session. Roy was half asleep in his chair. "Hey, Roy." He kissed his Roys cheek and whispered. "Dickie and his boyfriend are going to sit in on chickflics tonight."

"Mmm," He murmured. "but it's valentine's day."

"But they have no game, please help me set them up."



That night

"Hey guys. oh uh, you know Steph. Steph, guys."

"Hey." She pulled her cardigan tighter to hide the fact she only had a bra on.

"Hey, we're gonna watch clueless in the other room."

"All four of you?" Tim asked.

Roy leaned in close. "We're being their 'positive gay roll models', this is  a safe space after all."

"Ah, I get it. just keep everything PG while they're around."

"Well duh." Jason ushered them all into the next room.

Wally reopened the heart-shaped box, which was still mostly full. Roy flipped off the lights and put on the movie.

"--Daddy is so good, he gets payed 500$ an hour to fight with people. He fights with me for free cause I'm his daughter--"

"You two take the floor." Jason kicked off his socks and took up half the couch. The younger two sat back to back as the older two cracked open caramel flavored liquor and passed it back-and-forth. 


Jason had his eyes closed, he could hear the two on the floor shifting back and forth. he opened his eyes. Roy wasn't asleep either, they were just cuddling with their eyes closed. He peaked out at the two on the floor. They looked asleep, having eaten radical amounts of chocolate. Wally reached his arm around Dicks shoulders while he was asleep, nuzzling up closer. Jason squeezed Roy's arm to get his attention. They watched the other two for a few minutes in silent celebration.

Eventually, they decided to leave. "Hey." Jason whispered at Wally. "We're going up to my room, want help getting onto the couch?"

"No, I got this, thanks." Wally gently picked up Dick, Bridle style and moved up to the couch, resting the younger boy's head on his lap. Jason and Roy left, and were barely out the door before they exploded with excitement.

"We did it! Gays unite!"

"Let's go upstairs!"

"Hell yeah!"

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