Chapter 9.

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I woke up early the next day but Elijah was already gone. He left my phones and a letter on the table for me.

"Why do you have a password on your phone?" I read his questioned and rolled my eyes. He is really crazy.

I quickly took a shower and got ready. I have to apologize to his PA today and move on. Dad, said she is a good person and she helps him, which means I only hate her because I'm jelaous of her beauty.

I walked in my father's office and the second I took a seat she entered.

"Here's your coffee." She put the cup down and I looked at her angry. "So Marko, is she your real girlfriend?"

"You are calling my father by his first na--." I paused remembering what she just said. "Whose his girlfriend?" I got up furious.

"Kathleen, you so funny." My father giggled and I looked at him weird. What the hell did she feed my family. "Annette, is my eldest daughter." He said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." Kathleen smiled.

"So what you trying to say is, of all the people working here, you chose to flirt with my father and become his friend, accidently."

"Annette, behave." My father snapped.

"Dad, why are you talking to me like I did something wrong? Dad, she took Elijah away from me and now you." I shook my head. "I came here to spend time with you and to apologize to her but I wish I never came." I grabbed my bag. "I'll be at mom's place, I love you." I left his office before he could stop me. I know I'm overreacting but what my father is doing isn't right. I'm his daughter, he has to take my side not a stranger he knew for a couple of days.

I arrived at my mother's place and the second I knocked she opened the door.

"I was about to come to you, so why did you come here?" My mother questioned and I walked inside.

"I feel sleeping so can I take a nap please."

"I know you didn't come here for that. Annette I can see something is bothering you, so tell me why are you here?" Mom asked.

"You really want to know why I'm not fine?" She nod her head. "Mom, Elijah's PA took dad away from me."

"What the hell are you talking about?" My mother snapped.

"I was there just now. Mom she is very nice, I know but she should stay away from my family. Dad and Elijah mean a lot to me and she acts like they belong to her."

"Are you trying to tell me she tried to steal my husband from me?"

"That's not what I mean mom, please calm down." I said. "Mom, she makes coffee for dad and I think I should be the one doing that because I am his daughter and I don't have a job. The least I can do is look after you and dad."

"Are you trying to say I'm old."

"That's not what I mean."

"I'm pulling your leg Annette. I know I am not old. I'm in my early forties and you are twenty-two, so there's no difference." I giggled. "Anyways if that girl gives you trouble again, get her fired because I can't deal with you always complaining about her. She hasn't even been Elijah's PA for a week, Anne."

"Sorry mom." I shouted going upstairs.

I jumped on my bed and all of a sudden the door bell rang.

I hope it's not dad.

I went downstairs and saw Elijah hugging my mother.

What the hell is he doing here?

"My wonderful love." Elijah said and my mother giggled.

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