Chapter 33.

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Three weeks later!

Annette's POV.

The last couple of weeks of my life were amazing. Elijah became more responsible and he even planned his parent's anniversary alone with his own money. I know every year I always helped him plan his parent's anniversary but this year he wanted everything his way. He even told his brother Oliver and his sister Emily that they just need to come their dressed as Carsons. I never thought I would live to see Elijah not plan things at the last minute. He always did everything the night before but for the first time, he actually did everything before the time without anyone helping. He didn't even steal his father's money to plan their anniversary.

Everything is just so perfect, too perfect for my liking.

And Elijah is perfect. He turned out to be an amazing loyal boyfriend. I know he still parties with all the other girls he used to sleep with but he never cheats on me and I know he will never break my heart. We went on a couple of dates in the last couple of weeks and he only showed up twice. I know he is very busy and he even said he has a surprise for me so I didn't bother annoying him to forget about our dates. Elijah also told his siblings and Adrian about our relationship. I was happy when I heard Oliver found out everything. He is the one that always supported me and I wish I just liked his girlfriend to make him happy but I can't help but feel she is just using him for his money. Oliver is so different compared to Elijah.

There is one person that I want to tell about my relationship with Elijah and that is Meghan, my beautiful sister who is still in college. I have tried to tell her many times but something just comes up but I plan on telling her before my parents and everyone else finds out. Elijah told his siblings so I have to also tell Meghan.

"I am here to see Mr. Carson." I told the receptionist. Uncle Ben called me late last night to talk about something important. I did everything he asked me, I hope he is not asking me for something more. If my mother finds out I help him, she will kill me.

"Do you have an appointment with him?" She asked.

"Yes, actually no. He just told me to come here." I told her the truth. Uncle just called me out of the bloom. The more I think about why he called me here, the more my heartbreaks.

"Ma'am, I can't le--."

"I'll take it from here." Uncle Ben interrupted her. "I have been waiting for you the whole day. Why the fuck did you only come here now?" I followed him to his office.

"Sorry." I apologized. "Listen, I know I helped you with everything before but I can't keep helping you with things I am not supposed to. If Aunt Sofia finds out she will kill me and you know how Elijah and Oliver are." I took a seat.

"Relax Annette, I am not here to talk about my wife." He said. I am so happy I am not involved anymore. I know if Aunt Sofia found out she would kill me. She trusts me a lot and I will never break her trust.

"So why am I here?" I asked.

"I need a favor." I don't like the sound of this.

"Sure." I smiled. I can't keep doing this. I need to start saying NO to every one. I am tired of helping people.

"Elijah always listens to you and he trusts you a lot." That is partially true but he loves Uncle Ben a lot. He never ones refused anything his father asked. "Annette, we found the perfect match for Elijah and we need you to help us convince him."

"I don't think I understand what you trying to say."

"We going to be announcing Elijah's engagement tomorrow."

"Elijah is getting married?" I don't know whether I am supposed to laugh or cry right now. Elijah is my boyfriend so how can he be getting married?

"Yes." He answered.

Wow, when was I going to find out this? On his wedding day?

"Uncle, what do you mean?" I asked.

"Elijah is getting married to Mr. Archie's daughter. She is a very nice girl and Elijah's type. She has a good reputation and the perfect girl for Elijah so please try and convince Elijah to marry her." I wish I could tell Uncle Ben that Elijah is my boyfriend but Elijah made me swear on him that no matter what situation I am in, I can never tell his parents or the media anything.

"No." I shook my head. Elijah is mine so how can I tell him to marry someone else. I love him and I can never let someone else marry him.

"Kid, I know you used to have a crush on my son when you were teenagers but you an adult now and Elijah will have to get married one day." He said. "Mr. Archie came to us with a marriage proposal and Sofia and I both agreed she is a good match for Elijah. She is coming here tonight and she will be at our house tomorrow. I want to announce their engagement at the anniversary."

"Aunt Sofia agreed?" I asked and he nod his head.

"So will you please convince Elijah to give her a chance."

"I am sorry but I can't help you." I got up. "Uncle please let Elijah decide on his own. I don't want to get involved." I ran out of his office. I quickly went into the elevator and started crying. I was always scared of going in an elevator alone but I don't want anyone to see me cry. Why did Mr. Archie have to ask Uncle to get Elijah married to his daughter? She is a beautiful model but Elijah is mine. I can never see him marry someone else. No matter how much I try to love him less, it never works.

I wiped all my tears and put a fake smile on my face. I have to get out of this place with a smile or people are going to start spreading rumors about me.

I saw Kathleen and she waited for me to start a fight with her but instead, I just walked passed her as if she was invisible. Everyone must be back from Lunch. I wonder where Elijah is right now.

I quickly got in my car and the second I started driving, I started crying. What if Elijah chooses to get married? He did make it clear that he doesn't love me and if he ever falls in love with someone he would give me a six-month notice. He always made jokes about it and now I am scared he might like Mr. Archie's daughter more. I have never met her but I heard a lot about her. Adrian even wanted to sleep with her once and if Aunt Sofia likes her than she is definitely amazing. How can Elijah refuse to marry her? He would never refuse to marry his parent's choice. He loves them and he never once said no to his father.

I wish I could just die before all this happens. I thought Kathleen was our enemy but she didn't even do anything yet. I am starting to think my own family is my real enemies.

I was so excited about Aunt Sofia and Benjamin's anniversary but not anymore.

Someone started knocking on my window and I quickly went to open it.

"Elijah, go home." I said but he just came in.

"I know I moved back last week but I missed you." He kissed me on the cheek. "So tell me why you were crying."

"I am not crying." I stated.

"I am not talking about now. I am talking about today when you came out of the elevator. Did someone say something to you?"

"No." I smiled. "Eli, I am fine."

"But I saw you cry. Annette are you sure everything is fine? You not hiding anything from me, right?" He asked and I nod my head.

"I love you." I hugged him. I can't tell him about what his parents are up to but I know he will know soon. I just hope I am happy with whatever he decides. I don't want him to have any regrets. If Elijah decides to marry her, I will respect his decision and just leave. I know I will forget about him, one day.

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