Chapter 40.

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Annette's POV.

The second Elijah came in, I hugged him. Grandpa didn't want to spare his life when I begged him so am sure Elijah begged him. I knew my grandpa would never kill him over a misunderstanding.

"You the best boyfriend you know that." He kissed me. "I know you don't like begging people but thank you for begging my grandpa to spare your life. Elijah someone is trying to set you up, I know you could never drug me because of a prank."

"You know when you said beg, my brains stopped functioning." He said. "Annette, I don't mean to sound arrogant but I am Benjamin's oldest child. I would never beg in front of anyone especially your grandfather. I'll rather die than beg someone to spare my life." 

"If you didn't beg him than how are you still alive? Eli, did you kill my grandpa?" I know I love him but if he touched my grandpa than I will forget the fact I love him.

"I wish." He replied and I smacked him. "Annette, why are you acting like you know nothing. You the one that changed his mind. Anne, were you not the one on the call?"

"No." I answered. "I tried to talk to my grandpa but he refused to listen to me." I know grandpa refused to listen to my mother, Meghan, and I so who called him and changed his mind. Who could be more important to my grandpa than my mother?

"Well, if you didn't call him then who did? Annette, I thought you his favorite grandchild and he always listens to everything you say."

"What actually happened there? Did you hear the person on the call with him?" 

"Let me tell you what really happened." He started. "So Adrian and I decided to go together because firstly I didn't want to die without a family witness and second I wanted to use Adrian as a human shield. So after that, we got scanned and I got to find out what my legal name really is and Adrian wasn't happy about his legal name. He kept saying the scanner is races. After that, your grandpa came downstairs and started talking shit and Adrian panicked." He continued. "Long story short, after your grandpa got the call he said 'Mr. Carson, take Mr. Knight with you and get the fuck out of my place before I kill you both.'" 

"So you came straight home after that?" I asked.

"No. I tried to go back to your grandpa's place but that machine kept saying access denied." 

"Firstly Eli, you are stupid. Why the fuck did you want to go back to a place where you almost got killed and secondly, how did you even think the scanner would give you permission. The only people allowed to go inside are the workers and my family." I told him. I am sure he was granted access the first time because my grandpa was expecting him.

"I promise, I will be the best boyfriend if you take me there. I just want to go back there one more time please." He went on his knees. "Please my Anne." I can't take him there. My grandpa will definitely kill me if I let a Carson in but Elijah is my boyfriend. I will keep an eye on him. There is no way, he would ever do something bad there.

"Fine." I agreed and he picked me up, excited.

"I love you." 

"What?" My heart started skipping beats. He loves me? I really didn't expect this. 

"I love you for agreeing to take me to your grandpa's place. I didn't mean the other love you. I am sorry if it sound--."

"No, It's fine." I quickly said. "I understand." I gave him a fake smiled and he hugged me.

"You sweet." He mumbled. "By the way, is it really important for you to hear someone tell you they love you."

"Well, yes. Everyone loves it when the person they love tells them how they feel." 

"Hypothetically speaking, what if I uhm kinda maybe in lo---love with you." Why the fuck is he even so scared to love me.

"Eli, you know that I love you a lot and I would never want you to tell me you love me when it's not true so can we stop talking about love." I'll be honest I love being loved but I also hate fake love and I know Elijah doesn't take love seriously. He will probably tell me he loves me just to make me happy and I don't want that. I want him to genuinely love me for who I am.

"Why are you so serious all the time."

"I am not always serious. I just know when to joke and when to be serious unlike you." 

"I'll take that as a compliment." He smiled. "I want to make you a promise because I am so happy tonight." He took my hand. "I promise that after you take me to your grandpa's place I will give you a big present. I will make you so happy that you will love me forever. I promise that you will be so happy that you will never forget that day." 

"Promise?" I am so happy that he is happy right now but I am scared. I don't know Kathleen's plan to win Elijah and I wish I never challenged her. She is so smart and I don't think I can outsmart her. I have a bad feeling that I will fall into her trap.

"I really promise. I am not joking now." He hugged me. "I'll make you happy and I will surprise you." 

"Can you drop me home now." 

"I have a question." Elijah said. "Why the fuck, did you grandpa assumed I drugged you?"

"They found the waiter that gave me the drink and well, he said you told him to give me the drug." I know Eli didn't drug me but he is acting as if he was prepared to be the one to take the blame.

"Did the waiter say my name or did he describe how I look." He asked.

"Both." I answered. "Mom said she didn't believe him so they showed him pictures of your whole family and other people but he still chose you."

"Is he still alive?" He asked and I nod my head. My grandpa never kills people so quickly. He still wants to get the main culprit before he kills the waiter. "Let's go." He took his car keys.

Elijah and I only have one thing in common. If his family asks him to cut ties with my family, he would do it without thinking twice and I would also do it if my family asked. I can love him but I can never leave the people who gave birth to me for his sake. 

He dropped me home and I went straight to my room. I don't have a plan to get rid of Kathleen. I could ask my grandpa for help but he can change sides and help Kathleen destroy the Carsons instead. I can't take the risk of inviting him to the fight. I will need to find a way to destroy Kathleen on my own. I was trained since I was three, there is no way I can let Kathleen beat me. 

I took a pen and my notebook and I started writing down everything I know about Kathleen. There must be something we all missing. Every criminal always leaves something behind but Kathleen is so perfect. She is making me go in circles. 

My phone peeped, and I quickly looked at the message. Why the fuck is Adam sending me a message this time. I know he works for my grandpa but if my grandpa finds out he is helping me he will be jobless.

Adam: Read the document I send you and thank me later, bitch. 

Me: New Information?

Adam: I hope so.

Adam: Bye, your grandpa is here. I wish you could just be my boss already.

I giggled and left him on read. My grandpa isn't a bad boss, he is just so strict and he pays well.

I opened the document he sent me and it was a cropped Kathleen's graduation certificate. I read Kathleen's full name.

Kathleen Ivy C Joe. Why the hell doesn't her own certificate have her own full name. What can C stand for? Carson? Kathleen Ivy Carson Joe? No, I trust uncle Benjamin and he said he only has kids with Aunt Sofia. The only biological daughter he has is Emily and Allison is his so-called daughter. She is not even his blood but he does love her and her mother Mercy, died years ago so who is Kathleen. And why would she put a C letter before her last name? Why the fuck is she even working for the Carson, nothing makes sense.

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