Chapter 43.

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Elijah's POV.

Although my alarm clock went off at the right time, I was still late for work. It feels like I am pregnant because I have been tired lately. My whole life is boring, I wish Annette was living with me. If she was then I wouldn't have come to work late today.

"Your father was looking for you." Uncle Marko said. 

"Thanks." I hit the elevator button. Oh god, did he just say my father is looking for me? I hope I didn't skip meetings. "Uncle." I ran after him. "Why...Why is my Dad looking for me?"

"I really don't know. You should ask your PA." He answered in a hurry. I am supposed to be his son-in-law, he is supposed to protect me, yet he doesn't care. 

I took the elevator and went to my father's office. I know I didn't skip any meetings and I didn't ruin the Carsons reputation so there is no need to be scared of him.

"Close the door behind you." Dad said and that's when I remembered the stupid letter I wrote. I am definitely dead if he read it. 

"What's up, Dad?" I closed the door. "You look amazing today so tell me what did my mother give you." I took a seat and smiled widely. 

"You know I love you dad and I would never go against you..." He read the letter. "That is why I am telling you I am in love with Annette before anyone tells you." He paused and I scratched my head.

"Did Oliver write that?" 

"Elijah, I know your stupid ugly handwriting, and I know you in love with that red-headed girlfriend of yours." He said.

"You not angry?" I asked.

"Why would I be angry?" He questioned.

"Well, she is Henry's grandchild and you do not like him or her mother." 

"Eli, do you really love her?" Dad asked and I nod my head. "Well, if you love her and she makes you happy then I am happy because you are my son." 

"Are you serious?" I got up excited.

"Yes." He answered. "You are my son, all I ever wanted for you is to find someone that makes you extremely happy and you found Annette. She might be Anna's daughter but she is a good kid and her father is trustworthy so as long as you are happy. I am fine with whoever you date."

"I love you." I hugged him.

"Eli, don't touch me. You are my least favorite child." Dad said and I kissed him. "Yuck."

"I know I am your favorite child." I replied. "Good night." 

"Eli, I didn't say you can have the day off." Dad shouted. "If you even try calling your mom or sneaking out of this place then I wi---."

"Dad, didn't you read my letter." I stretched my arms. "At the back of the page, I explicitly said that I will be taking Annette to Los Vegas today so I need a couple of days off from work." Dad turned the page.

"I do not see a word." He stated.

"That is because you getting old." I mumbled and he looked at me angry. "Fine, I used an invisible pencil now can I please take a couple of days off from work. I really need to take her to Los Vegas." If I knew my father would be this supportive, I would've written a letter that says I need a month off from work.

"I thought you were banned from Los Vegas."

"Dad, that was Oliver Carson." I replied.

"Elijah, it is a crime to use someone else's identity." 

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