Chapter 11

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Elijah's POV.

"Wake up Elijah." Adrian hit me on the head. "You can tell me what happened last night."

"We'll you told me not to disturb you, last night so let me sleep." I replied, taking the pillow. "Wait, why are you in my room?" I asked.

"I'm not in your room, you in my room." He answered.

"Please don't tell me last night happened." I got up. "I am dead, Adrian."

"I am happy to hear that you going to die but first tell me, how you ended up sleeping with Annette." Adrian asked.

"I didn't sleep with her, you fool." I snapped. "I wasn't even drunk, Adrian."

"But you still kissed her." He replied and I nod my head.

"I just wanted to see her reaction. I know I said no girl could resist me, but Annette, I can't accept that." I told him.

"You telling me, Elijah Carson is finally feeling sorry for a girl. Come on Eli, you know Annette is stubborn and she will always love you more than anything, even though that hurts me."

"Love?" I giggled. "You an idiot. I am telling you, I found out she has a crush on me and you already think she loves me." 

"But I kno---."

"Adrian, how did I not see this coming?" I interrupted him. "I know I always said she is hiding something from me, but this." I shook my head. "I should've known she has a crush on me."

"We'll if you could let me speak, I would give you a solution to all your problems." Adrian said and I nod my head. "First of all, tell me how you will make sure Annette doesn't get awkward in front of you when you almost slept with her." 

"You told me you have a solution and now you asking me what I will do." I swear, if this idiot wasn't my cousin, I would kill him.

"Eli, do you know who sleeps in the room after yours?" He asked and I hit him on the head.

"Can you focus." I snapped.

"Elijah, I am trying to help you." He stated. "My parents sleeps in the room after yours and you know my father can hear everything, especially when these walls are so thi--."

"Elijah." His father came in the room. "Can I talk to you?" Uncle Damien asked and I nod my head.

"But only after I use the bathroom." I quickly ran to the bathroom. How will I escape Uncle when he is literally everywhere.

"You can jump out of the window and pray that you don't die." Evelyn answered and I jumped. 

"What are you doing in the bathroom?" I questioned and she giggled.

"I came here for gossip and can you believe that I stayed in the room with you and Adrian the whole night." She replied. "My stupid brother, kept giggling and say, I'll get you."

"I don't care about what Adrian was dreaming about. I wanna know what gossip you came for." I told her.

"Well I was on my way to the bathroom---."

"Your room has it's own bathroom." I stated.

"Fine, I was on my way to check on my little cousin, Oliver." I looked at her angry and she rolled her eyes. "Fine, I was on my way to Oliver's room because I wanted this other boy's number--."

"You telling me you woke up in the middle of the night for a boy's number." I questioned. "Since when do you, ask for numbers."

"It's my first time but I want to ask him out to make this other bitch jealous because she loves him." She replied. "Now let me finish." She continued. "So as I was about to enter Oliver's room, I heard a girl's voice and I almost fainted." 

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