Chapter 42.

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Elijah's POV.

I kept thinking of a way to tell my parent's I love Annette. I already told Oliver, Adrian, and Emily a long time ago and I wasn't even nervous. I am really scared of telling my parents about loving her, especially my father because he hates her family. 

I rang the doorbell. 

I know Dad is at work so I will tell mom to tell dad. He always listens to her so there is no need for me to worry about my dad rejecting the love I have for Annette.

"Eli, what do you want?" My mother crossed her arms across her chest. "You told me you too busy to meet me in person so why are you here now."

"Mommy, I never said that." I let myself in. "You know I can make time for the woman that gave birth to me and raised me. But I was really busy last week and when I came back I had to see Annette and apologize. I am so sorry I forgot to come here, now tell me why you always visit Oliver and Emily in college but you can never visit me when I live two streets away from you."

"I only visit the people I love and I love your father and siblings that is why I make time for them. I don't like seeing your ugly face that is why I never visit you." My mother went to the kitchen and I followed her. "You want water or juice?"

"Mom, are you seriously treating me like a guest in my own home? You know I love you."

"Go sit on the sofa while I make something for you." She is really so mad right now. 

"Mom, I was really busy." 

"Elijah, you went to the club and even took Annette and Adrian but you telling me you were too busy to visit me. You know I do understand that you prefer to spend more time with people close to your age but I am your mother and you always have time for your father so make time for me." Mother said.

"Mom, I only see dad at work because he is my boss and he always gives me money so I can't cut him off." I joked and my mother looked at me angry. "Fine, I am really sorry for being a bad son. From today onwards I will always visit you every single day, except when I am out of town."

"You don't need to visit me every day. You just need to visit me when you miss me so I can know that my son still loves me and thinks about me." Mom replied. "Now tell me, why are you really here. I know you too well Elijah, so tell me what's wrong."

"Mom, what if I told you I am in love. How would you react." I hope she says something good.

"Tell me her name and I promise you, I will kill her today." She giggled. "Idiot, I know you in love with Annette and I am so happy for you. I always wanted my big baby to fall in love with a good girl. I am so proud of you." 

"Why are you so sure that it's Annette and not anyone else." I asked.

"Because you told me the day you introduce a girl as your girlfriend is the day you are sure you in love with her." She replied. 

"Mom I said that when I was a teenager so tell me who really told you?" She turned away. "It's Oliver, I knew it." She turned back to me with a smile. I knew Oliver wouldn't hide this from mommy. He always tells her everything. 

"Eli, you in love with Annette, right?" She asked and I nod my head. "So why do you care who told me you in love with Annette, as long as you tell Annette you love her, yourself."

"You right." I smiled and she hugged me.

"I am really happy my firstborn found true love." She said. "I always knew you and Annette share a connection but because you constantly called her sister and told everyone she is only your sister, I was scared. Eli, you don't know how long some of us waited to hear you say you love her. I am so happy right now."

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