
288 41 1

Edited by GivingLove10


Jin helped Taehyung with taking off his clothes.

"Do you know how old you are Taehyung?" Jin asked him while removing his long black coat.

"Yeah! I'm 24 years old."

"24? Wow, since when were you locked away?"

"9 years old me said 5 years ago so that means when I was around 4 years"

"Bloody hell! You know nothing of the world. I need to be 100% careful."

Jin removed the coat and was about to throw it on the floor. Tae's eyes widened and caught it, but he was too late. What he was trying to hide left the coat.

"What are these?" asked Jin in confusion while leaning down to pick up the pieces of paper.

Taehyung immediately snatched those out of Jin's hands and put them back in his coat's pocket, saying, "My diary! It's not good to look at someone else's diary!"

"Oh sorry. I can help you place them in a safer place."

"No, I like them to be with me so I can read them anytime I want."

"Hmm! But Taehyung I will throw that coat away. You will change into my clothes since Jimin's clothes won't fit you; you are way taller than him."

Before Taehyung could protest, "No buts. You need to listen to what I say you also have a lot to learn, and from now on if there is anything you don't get ask even if that last person standing is a mere baby. Do you understand?"

Taehyung nodded while slightly smiling at Jin's statement and gave him back the coat. For the moment being, Jin left the coat on the hanger, then asked Tae to remove his shirt. "When was the last time you showered?" asked Jin in amusement after seeing the amount of dirt his body was covered with.

"I don't remember. I think since forever," Taehyung shrugged his shoulders after answering.

"I don't buy that. How can someone like you be locked away? You don't even look bothered by anything other than the locked doors. People being locked away need to have social problems, and there is no way in hell you'd be talking to me and hyung like that. Also, you can normally talk which is suspicious for me to believe-"

"Look there Jimin! If you don't like me, I'm fine with that. I'll just wash up and leave if that is what you wish. You know what I won't be doing that either. Sorry officer I thought that when I'd leave that room, I'd see more colors, but now I can clearly see dark red," he looked at Jimin sadly continuing, "in him."

Taehyung grabbed his shirt and put it on again then took his coat and walked outside the bathroom going towards the house door; he looked at the door's knob for a second.

Jimin and Jin were both watching him without making a sound. Taehyung held the door's handle and did as Jin taught him which made the door open.

He took a step outside but then looked at his feet which were bare with nothing to warm them. He took a step, then another, but he was looking down at his feet, questioning the feeling he was feeling, was it pain or relief. He didn't understand, but then he heard loud sounds all of a sudden which made him put his hand on his ears and crouch.

"Taehyung!" Shouted Jimin, then he pulled him off the road. "What in the world are you doing Taehyung you could've been dead just now!"

Taehyung looked at Jimin in confusion then he removed his hands from his ears as the street was back to being silent again.

"What happened?"

"You were about to get crushed by a car, nothing important," Jimin said sarcastically while brushing his hair backwards with his fingers in annoyance.

"Why were you following me? Didn't you already say you don't want me at that house with you?"

"Okay fine come inside, let's talk about everything, but you seriously need to take that shower first."

Taehyung smiled then both of them went back inside; Jin was standing watching the two of them from the door the whole time. Change him Taehyung please, thought Jin to himself.

Taehyung took a shower, of course with the help of both Jimin and Jin. Actually, Jimin volunteered to help which surprised the shit out of Jin, but he let it slide. Jimin took care of Taehyung's hair while Jin and Taehyung worked rubbing the stains off his body.

"Your hair is beautiful what a shame you didn't take care of it," said jimin while drying it.

After Taehyung was fully dressed and finally done with the shower. Both Jimin and Jin looked at Taehyung in surprise.

"What? Do I still look dirty?"

"I will never take him with me to the club hyung, cause he's gonna have all the girls. Why do I look ugly compared to him?" asked Jimin in annoyance and disbelief.

Jin chuckled and gestured Taehyung to look in the mirror. He doesn't know how he looks that's why he was scared; he didn't know his own face. He looked at the mirror, but the first thing he said, "Mother! Now I remember what you looked like. We have the same eyes." Silent tears started to run down his beautiful face. He didn't blink he just kept staring at his face in the mirror, remembering every facial detail, not of his own but of his mother.

His hair is a little bit shorter; Jimin was the one who shortened his hair a little. Also, he was wearing black sweatpants and a light blue hoodie.

"Taehyung tomorrow I will have to take you shopping. You need clothes and shoes," said Jin to Taehyung who was still staring at the mirror, so he nodded in response.

Jin dragged the still staring Jimin and said, "Listen Jimin I have a shift to do. Can you take care of him until then?" Jimin nodded without hesitation which made Jin wonder, but he let it slide because he didn't want to make it obvious for Jimin that he's acting weird.

Jin left the house shortly after and with the sound of the door closing Taehyung turned around to look at the front door questioning Jimin, "Did someone leave or come in?"

Jimin nodded with a soft smile and said, "Jin Hyung left for work, so it's only you and me now."

"Aren't we going to meet your friend?"

"No not today Taehyung. All we have to do now is to see how much you know about the world before I throw you in it cause you won't like what I do."

Prison in Colors || K.TH ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora