
59 17 0

Edited by GivingLove10 


Jin drove Taehyung to Jungkook's mansion as Jimin asked and went back to Jimin immediately. Taehyung rang the main doorbell, and a maid opened for him, so he went inside. It felt a little different than it usually did. All the times he went to Jungkook, he was always accompanied by Jimin, but now it was only him.

He was supposed to be the one to help both of them. Tae inhaled harshly trying to think of what to do, so many scenarios ran in his head due to the number of books he read.

Mrs.Jeon's voice snapped Tae out of his thoughts when she called out his name, "Taehyung dear! Jimin said you'll come. You know where Jungkook's room is, please get him out."

Tae nodded still unable to think of what exactly he should do. He walked until he reached Jungkook's room and held the knob of the door, then twisted it, but it didn't open. His heart started beating so fast so he exhaled hard. "Jungkook do you hear me," he spoke, his voice a little shaky.

Tae removed his hand from the door's handle and swept the sweat off his hand by rubbing it on his pants. "Jungkook, at least talk to me," he spoke again when he didn't hear a reply.

"Jungkook to be honest with you, I'm feeling anxious since I can't open the door to your room, so can you please at least answer me!" he spoke once more, but this time he placed his hand on the door.

Jungkook, on the other hand, got off the bed and walked towards the door then stood in front of it. He bit his lower lip feeling a little guilty for making Tae feel anxious.

"I'm fine Taehyung~ah. Why did you leave Jimin alone?" Jungkook spoke with a sad voice which Taehyung caught.

"He is fine, and he isn't alone. Jin is with him," Tae paused but continued saying, "can you let me in?"

Jungkook didn't feel ready to face his friends, but he held the door's knob and twisted the lock. Taehyung flinched when he heard the familiar click-clack sound, making him take some steps back and close his eyes. He was afraid that the person coming out of the room will be Mr.Hanze even though he was the one free, something like that ticked his anxiety.

Jungkook opened the door to see Taehyung looking stiff and with shut eyes. "Taehyung?" he called out his name which made Tae open his eyes in relief and loosen his shoulders when he saw Jungkook in front of him.

Jungkook let Taehyung inside his room as they both sat on the big ass bed. "I don't know how to deal with things like this, and I don't know what Jimin expected me to do when he asked me to visit you," Taehyung spoke with his gaze on his crossed legs.

"Did you tell him?" Jungkook asked looking at Taehyung.

Tae looked at him when he asked the question, replying, "If you are speaking about his mother thing, no I didn't. To be honest I don't know if I was supposed to or not."

Jungkook hummed in response then got off the bed and stopped in front of him, then out of nowhere Jungkook knelt in front of Tae.

Taehyung's eyes widened as he saw Jungkook looking like that. He felt the guilt radiating from Jungkook. He quickly got off the bed, "I'm sorry for taking away your childhood. I'm sorry for taking away your teenage years, and I'm sorry for taking half of your twenties. I'm sorry for taking away your mother and for ruining your father's life. If you want to take revenge, I totally understand."

Jungkook was looking at the floor unable to look at Tae in the eyes, but Taehyung went to him quickly and raised his head to look in Jungkook's eyes, "I'm not blaming you. If your father didn't do that, someone else would have done it. The Min's were the cause of my suffering. Don't blame yourself."

Jungkook suddenly hugged Taehyung, "I'm scared Taehyung. I don't want to lose any of you two."

Taehyung ran his fingers through Jungkook's hair while humming to his words.

They stayed like that for a minute or so when Jungkook pulled away. "Are you really not mad at me?" he asked looking into Taehyung's eyes, receiving a wide smile from Tae.

"No, I'm not."

"Do you think Jimin will?"

"No. None of that was your fault."

"But it was my father-"

Taehyung cut Jungkook's words off, "Yes your father not you. He did that not knowing that the first woman was my mother. Also, I bet that he didn't know that the second one was Jimin's mother too." Taehyung tried his best to reassure Jungkook, but he didn't understand why he was doing that.

Taehyung's phone suddenly rang, taking them out of their world so he picked it up after showing Jungkook the caller ID which showed Jimin's name. "Yes Jimin," Tae spoke.

"Did you get Jungkook out?" Jimin asked.

"Yes I did," he looked at Jungkook, "he is in front of me now. Wanna talk with him?"

Jungkook kept waving at Taehyung not to tell him that, but Tae just ignored all Jungkook's gestures, and surely Jimin agreed on speaking with Jungkook.

Jungkook cursed under his breath when he took the phone from Tae, "Jimin! How are you doing?" Jungkook asked while poking the inside of his cheeks with his tongue.

"I think I'll be fine when you come to visit me. Jin hyung left a minute ago. I think he went on a killing spree," Jimin giggled from the other line.

"What! Why?" Jungkook exclaimed not grasping the situation.

"I told him everything about Hoseok, and now he is working on arresting him."

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