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Edited by GivingLove10


"I don't understand why I am feeling angry. Why is my heart beating loudly, I can hear it? Why when I look at you, I feel like I want to punch you, no I feel like I want to change the color I gave you? I-I can't change it, it's something unchangeable. I-I don't understand."

Taehyung walked towards the guest room at a fast pace then closed the door and sat on the floor resting his back on the door.

Why is it hard to understand some things! he thought.

Jimin and Jin looked at each other.

"Go to him, I'll make something for us to eat, I'm done with my shift anyway," Jin said with a sad expression, as Jimin walked past him and stood in front of the door.

He heard some sniffing, so he smiled to himself softly. He is like a lost puppy

Jimin slid down as well and leaned his back at the door, starting, "You know sometimes there are things that are hard to explain, or actually doesn't have an explanation. Feelings are one of these things which books can't explain, you will eventually understand why you felt like that, but why did you close the door though, huh?"

Taehyung on the other side of the door stood up as Jimin felt the movement from the other side he did the same and stood up.

"Because I-I wanted you to come and open it, I thought if I didn't, Jin would've still kept scolding you."

Jimin laughed then opened the door, he gently removed Taehyung's tears with his shirt's sleeve.

"Ay ay crying baby, look what you've done with that beautiful face!" Jimin smiled as he felt a tear fall from his eyes too saying, "Mom used to tell me that when I cried in my room, she always comes to me and sits by me on the bed, telling me that while removing my tears with the hem of her sleeves and then she hugs me to sleep and makes sure that when I wake up to ask me what happened."

"So did you tell her?"

Jimin shook his head with a smile after sniffing a little replying, "I lied, I didn't want to make her feel sad, so I used to tell her I got a bad grade."

Both of them went to sit on one of the beds as they both crossed their legs and started to chat, but little did they know Jin was standing there listening to everything since the beginning, he felt guilty and really bad for not being there for his cousin and just blaming him.

He grew up the way I didn't want him to be, but I expected him to be the way I wanted without even being there for him in the first place what kind of uncle am I! I'm sorry sister for disappointing you and not really taking care of your son, Jin walked sadly to the kitchen to cook dinner as both of the boys just stayed in the room chatting.

"Can you tell me what did the doctor tell you?" Taehyung asked biting his lower lip scared of the answer he would get.

"Nothing," Jimin said, but Taehyung wasn't convinced.

"Why are you doing this?"

Jimin looked at Taehyung confused asking, "What is 'this'?"

"Why are you lying? You said you lied to your mom because you didn't want to make her feel sad, but what about you, you've been sad for long, now you are not telling me the truth thinking maybe I would be sad? I don't understand can you explain to me?"

Jimin sighed knowing how hard things would be and said, "Okay, listen! If I said what the doctor told me, you'll feel helpless, and I don't want you to have this feeling."

"How do you know I'll have this feeling if you didn't even try? Why do you assume things on your own! That's what I don't understand about you."

"Okay fine, he wants you to know who locked you up and why. It's because you need to know those things in order to be normal," Jimin said repeating the doctor's words.

Taehyung went silent for a moment then rubbed his chin with his finger saying, "So I need to know what happened in order to be normal, he said!" Jimin nodded then Taehyung looked at Jimin, continuing, "Okay then let's find out."

"Are you serious? That's all that what you have to say? Aren't you afraid of the consequences of knowing?"

"Aren't the consequences, for me to be normal, which is a good thing? I don't understand Jimin you are confusing me."

"Anyway, let's, for the time being, teach you what you don't know. Jungkook is out there searching for your father so for now, we can't do anything."

Taehyung nodded, agreeing with him then Jin went to the room and told them that the food was ready so everyone went to the dining table to eat.

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