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Edited by GivingLove10 


The following two days were awkward between both people. The prince was always giving a straight face not giving any hints of interest towards the others.

Jungkook was avoiding the prince as much as he could because he knew the second he would speak with him, he would lash out at him.

Jimin was also keeping his distance from both the prince and JM. Taehyung, on the other hand, was the only one who didn't want things to keep going on like that, so he decided to go speak with the prince.

Taehyung stood outside the prince's room, knocked on the door and waited for the prince to allow him to enter, which he did when Tae accepted Taehyung's presence.

"What do you want?" asked the prince still cold towards the three of them.

"I know you hate what we did with JM, but we really didn't mean any harm. Jungkook and Jimin both don't understand the severity of getting caught; I warned them, but they didn't listen."

The prince raised his eyebrow, "Running away from the blame, huh!" he exclaimed making Taehyung feel stressed out.

"No I'm not running away," he rubbed his hair in frustration thinking of the right words to say, "the thing is that I'm not really good with words. I don't like the tension between us. Can you give them another chance?"

"Another chance to do what exactly! Isn't it enough what they already did?"

"They didn't mean you any har-" Taehyung's words were cut off by an angry Tae.

"But they harmed me, and I don't forgive them."

Taehyung looked deeply into Tae's sad eyes wondering, "And Kookie?" he asked, curious about Tae's feelings, but Tae immediately looked away not replying to him which made Taehyung conclude the answer on his own, "You couldn't forgive him even though he is your friend?"

"It hurts me more because he is my friend," Tae replied, still not looking at Taehyung, avoiding his gaze.

Taehyung didn't really understand much about friendship, but he expected everyone to be like Jungkook and Jimin.

"Did you listen to his reasoning?" he asked knowing how things always ended up between Jungkook and Jimin.

"No, but I already know it. He was doing this for my sake," Tae replied.

Taehyung got more confused by Tae's words, so he rubbed his hair and looked around while still arguing, "Jungkook hurts Jimin a lot sometimes yet Jimin never thought of getting rid of hi-" Taehyung's words were caught in his throat unable to leave the second his eyes landed on a familiar portrait sitting beside Tae.

The prince looked at the portrait then back at Taehyung who was standing there unable to talk, remembering the precise details of the painting he once admired, but he found no difference between.

"What is that?" He pointed at the painting making Tae look at it confused.

"That's my mother's."

Taehyung's heart started to beat fast, and he gulped saying, "What's the pen name?" he was caught up between feeling scared and excited.

"Kim V!" the prince's words made Taehyung lose balance almost meeting the floor, but he decided it's not time yet so he grabbed the painting and kept looking at every detail of it; the chair, the room, the child's features, the not detailed woman.

He caressed the place where the pen name was carved, saying, "It's the same. Even the pen name," he looked at the prince, trying to ask the most important question at the moment, "Why Kim V?"

The prince looked at the lost person in front of him and decided to put their conflicts in the corner, for now, answering, "Mum used to call me V, and Kim is my family name, so Kim V." Suddenly, Taehyung heard loud voices in his head-

How about V?


Taehyung is too long for you, and you always pose with a V close to your face which suits you.

His younger self's laughter echoed in his head while repeating the letter V as his new name. He glanced at the portrait one last time before seeing the child making a V sign across his face.

The painting fell down to the floor and soon after his body and mind couldn't keep up with the stress and the new impulses which then eventually followed the painting by collapsing on the floor beside it. The prince froze in his place shocked but quickly snapped himself back to reality. He went running towards Jungkook and Jimin's room to ask for help.

Tae opened the door yelling, "It is Taehyung! He suddenly collapsed in my room, and I don't know what to do!"

Both of them quickly ran out of the room, going to Tae's, shocked by the news.

As soon as they saw Taehyung flattened on the floor, they came to the conclusion that the prince did something to him. Jimin placed Taehyung's head on his lap yelling, "Taehyung, what happened?"

"Let's place him on the bed first," Jungkook said while carrying Taehyung with the help of Jimin, placing him on the prince's bed.

Jungkook looked angrily at the prince, "What did you do to him?" he asked yelling at him.

"I didn't do anything," the prince defended

"Then why the heck did he faint?"

The prince explained to them what happened earlier, saying their conversation including the sudden confusion when he saw the portrait.

Jimin took the portrait eyeing it then looked at Jungkook saying, "Jungkook, it's the same painting as the one we saw at your mother's exhibition."

Jungkook looked at him with confusion drawn on his face, "What?"

Jimin turned to speak to the prince, deciding it's time for questioning, "What does this painting represent to you?"

The prince was about to start saying the same he told Taehyung earlier when Taehyung suddenly woke up panting and sweating a lot, mumbling some words.

Both Jimin and Jungkook went to him quickly.

"Hey! Taehyung are you okay?" Jimin asked, looking at Taehyung, who was holding his head in his hands with his eyes wide open and chest heaving, stuttering in every word.

"M-My moth-ther; s-she used to c-call me V when I-I was a child be-because my name was ha-hard to say. I forgot all about that," He hid his face and started to cry in both sorrow and regret.

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