
142 28 0

Edited by GivingLove10


"Taehyung don't panic. I will bring the keys and get you out of there. Do you hear me! Please answer," Jimin pleaded feeling more worried when Taehyung didn't answer him; He placed his ears on the door, trying to listen if Taehyung was really inside. He wasn't sure if he heard it or not, but he heard some faint heavy breathing.

"Taehyung for God's sake say something!" Jimin yelled loudly, then hit the door harshly with his hand, only then he felt motion from the other side.

Taehyung placed his back on the door then whispered, "Quickly."

Jimin ran quickly towards Jungkook with an angry expression.

"Give me the keys," Jimin ordered Jungkook which made everyone gasp.

"He needs to learn his lesson," Jungkook made sure to say in a stern voice for Jimin to get the message, but Jimin wasn't really in the mood to take any bullshit from him.

"You better give me the bloody keys. Now!" Jimin insisted, reaching out his hand for Jungkook to hand him the keys, but Jungkook slapped it away.

"I won't. Why are you keen on releasing him? What's your relationship with him Jimin?" Jungkook angrily asked with a clear frown on his face.

"He is my friend who needs help right now, so you better do as I say and give me the keys."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow at the word 'friend' he knew how things used to be in high school and how things ended up because of this word 'friend'.

"Again! you are doing it again. Do you wanna get hurt again! Didn't that friend of yours back then do enough damage to you?" Jungkook yelled at him angrily but deep down he did that to protect Jimin from harm because, for him, Jimin was his only friend.

"If Taehyung dies because of a panic attack given by you, you have no idea how much I'll hate you."

Jungkook's expression saddened, then he took out the keys from his pocket and gave them to Jimin.

Jungkook watched Jimin as he ran away towards the room, Is it time to finally be replaced? Jungkook thought to himself.

Jimin went quickly to where Taehyung was and opened the door, but the door was being blocked by Taehyung's body who was still resting his back on the door.

"Taehyung move away. I unlocked the door. Everything will be fine now," Jimin said trying to reassure Taehyung, but there was no response which made Jimin forcefully open the door.

"Damn Taehyung! Come to your senses, please wake up," Jimin said while placing Taehyung's head quickly on his lap, trying to wake him up but nothing, no motion at all, only heavy breathing could be heard from Tae. I need to act fast. What should I do! Should I call hyung? No no he will keep nagging me, he thought to himself but then his thoughts were cut off by someone else coming into the room who was Jungkook.

Jungkook's eyes widened the second he saw the sight in front of him.

"What happened to him-"

Jimin cut him off angrily, "Either you leave or you stay and do something useful. He is like this because of you."

Jungkook took out his phone and dialed a number calling someone. I hope it's an ambulance, Jimin thought.

"An ambulance will be here any second," Jungkook reassured him, and after a few minutes an ambulance took Taehyung; Jimin and Jungkook joined along, riding inside the ambulance.

"What's wrong with him?" Jimin asked the nurse in the ambulance who was giving Taehyung first aid help.

"I think he hyperventilated, then lost his conscious from the pressure. His pulse is below normal, but don't worry nothing severe will happen to him, relax," the nurse smiled at them, making sure none of them panicked.

Minutes later they reached the hospital, Taehyung was placed in a room and was being looked after by a doctor.

"Can you explain to me what just happened?" Jungkook asked Jimin as both of them were standing outside the room Tae was in.

"Nothing! he just doesn't like closed spaces," Jimin replied while avoiding Jungkook's eyes which made him look more suspicious to Jungkook.

"You know you'll eventually tell me the truth, don't you?" Jungkook said reminding Jimin.

"You know I don't lie to you."

"You know that I know you lie to me, don't you? Because believe me Jimin, if you think that after all these years, I won't be able to pinpoint the times you've lied to me, then why do you treat me as a friend!" Jungkook spoke with his back facing Jimin not wanting to show him his sad expression.

"I don't know why I feel overprotective towards him. He is so broken and so weak he-"

Jungkook cut Jimin off, continuing instead, "He reminds you of yourself. Isn't that why you are trying to protect him? Do you want to play my role now!"

Jimin shook his head saying "No! I'm not playing anyone's role. He is just too weak- you won't understand, and I can't explain to you"

"Why! Why can't you explain to me? Why is it hard for you to tell me something that I will eventually know even if you didn't tell me. Jimin you are making no-"

Jungkook looked at Jimin, but Jimin yelled at him, " 'Cause you are so protective towards me. What happened to me was a long time ago. I have been scared to have friends ever since, because of you, so what will happen if I tell you about Taehyung's secret, I'm sure you will 100% harass him, and I don't want that. You need to stop doing what you are doing because I am getting sick of it!"

Jimin didn't know, but Jungkook felt really hurt by his words. Hurt to the point that his face couldn't give a proper expression, so it stayed cold.

"Do as you please, but don't come running to me, asking for help," Jungkook said while walking out of the hospital. He was hurt not because Jimin lashed out at him, but because for the first time Jungkook knew Jimin's true feelings towards him.

Friends huh! Even that was a lie but one which I didn't know.

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