
130 22 0

Edited by GivingLove10 


"You know you'll be there alone right?" Jimin said looking at the scared Taehyung in front of the psychologist's clinic.

"Hmm, what if he asks something I have no answer for?" Tae questioned with a worried expression.

"You have to choose either to say you don't know or make something up."

Taehyung nodded then went to Namjoon's office. Taehyung sat on the couch glancing every now and then at the closed door. He wasn't focused on anything Namjoon said, which made Namjoon sigh in disbelief and go to open the door for Taehyung to feel a little comfortable.

"Can you focus on the session now?" Taehyung nodded and Namjoon continued, "Good, Jimin yesterday, told me that you have so much knowledge but lack the application factor, so tell me Taehyung do you feel like you are lacking something?"

Namjoon wanted to know if Taehyung understood that he was not normal, and he didn't just come here because someone told him so.

"Yeah! Yesterday something happened, and it made me realize that there are things that I don't understand. Also, Jimin showed me an animal documentary it was so cute," Tae said while smiling as he remembered the good events.

"Can you tell me those who you currently have in your life?" Namjoon said while holding the pen and notebook, ready to write down the details.

Taehyung thought for a moment before saying, "Mom, I'm not sure about dad 'cause I have no memories of him, also younger me never said anything about him in the diaries, also Mr. Hanze, Jimin, Jungkook, Jin, you. I think that's all of them."

"What are the things that you don't understand?"

"Jimin explained it to me as feelings. I think feelings are the things, confusing me the most."

Namjoon stood up from his seat and searched for something on his desk, when he finally found it he walked towards Taehyung and sat beside him then...

"Awe that hurts!" Taehyung screamed lightly at the stinging pain he felt.

"The thing I'm holding in my hand is a needle, and the feeling you felt now is called pain,, but you know what, sometimes you don't need an object to make someone feel hurt."

"I don't understand?" Taehyung tilted his head trying to take in what Namjoon was saying.

Namjoon finally grasped what Taehyung was saying earlier concerning the feelings thing, so he said trying to elaborate, "Words Taehyung, words can be painful, actions can also be painful, this needle is a physical thing that brought you pain, which gave you this feeling. Feelings aren't things to be understood they are things to be felt."

Namjoon put his hand on Taehyung's chest pointing to his heart, proceeding, "I think you know the importance of a heart, and know it's not only to make sure the circulation of the blood to keep going, but it's also the main factor of the feeling thing. Your brain makes you think and your heart makes you feel. You won't understand what I'm saying, but keep it in mind 'till the right time."

Namjoon paused before adding, "You've been locked away for 20 years which means your feelings became numb and that's something not good. Taehyung, you need to know why and who locked you away, do you understand?"

"Yes I do, and I will work on it."

"Don't think you are alone and don't be afraid of closed doors because they are meant to be opened one day. Back then you were young, you were helpless, but now you have people around you who will miss you and care about you; so if it happened that you got locked up again remember that there is always someone who will be there to open that door for you."

Taehyung smiled at the doctor then gave a slight nod. Therefore, Namjoon ended the session and allowed Taehyung to leave.

Jimin was waiting outside for Taehyung as he was sitting on one of the chairs while listening to music, resting his head on the wall behind him with closed eyes. Taehyung approached him with a smile then poked his chest for Jimin to notice him, which he did.

"Oh! Are you already done?"

Taehyung nodded and both of them rode in the car.

"Would you like to go somewhere or go directly home?" Jimin asked expecting Tae to get excited and accept going somewhere, but actually that somewhere, Jimin wasn't prepared to go to.

"Let's go to Kookie's house!" Taehyung said excitedly as Jimin expected.

"What 'kookie'? Did you just give Jungkook a nickname?" Jimin opened his mouth with a 'wow'.

Tae nodded and said, "What's wrong with it?"

Jimin clenched his hand on the driving wheel saying, "Nothing," as he bit his lower lip feeling a little jealous, maybe a bit more than a little.

"Do you want a nickname too? I guess friends should call each other's names," Tae said nodding to himself with a smile, then thought about a name for Jimin.

"Oh! How about I call you Mochi? It's cute and suits you."

From the shock, Jimin almost made an accident as he did a wrong turn at the wrong time, almost crashing into another car.

Therefore, he quickly apologized to the other car and parked for a minute to take in whatTae just said.

"Are you serious Taehyung 'Mochi' how on Earth does it suit me! And I'm not cute!"

"Anyway, ah mom used to call me Taetae when I was young, do I like it? Hmm... I think you can call me that, or does it sound weird?-"

Jimin cut off Taehyung's words saying, "It doesn't sound weird, it's cute. If you are okay with it then why not, but please don't call me Mochi in front of anyone, people will make fun of me. Let's make this Mochi thing private."

They both giggled as Jimin parked in front of a big ass mansion.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah! This house is so big. Who is living here?" Taehyung asked Jimin with big eyes while getting out of the car.

"It's Jungkook's."

"Wait a second, are you telling me Jungkook is the rich kid of this story?"

Jimin tilted his head at Taehyung's words saying, "Stop relating everything in life to those books you read, and yeah you can say that."

Taehyung clung onto Jimin's arm, stopping him and said, "Hey Jimin! Wait a second. Is Jungkook's family there too?"

"Yeah, his mom at least that one I'm sure of."

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