
58 17 2

Edited by GivingLove10 


Taehyung quickly took out his cellphone and called the ambulance first, then called Jin and without explanation, Jin rushed to the scene with more cops. By the time Jin came, the ambulance was already placing Namjoon inside, ready to take him to a hospital for immediate care.

"What happened here?" Jin asked Jungkook.

"We came for Taehyung's session, and we found the place like that. We don't have much information, to be honest," Jungkook replied him with his eyes locked on Taehyung's movements. He was scared that someone might knock Taehyung down off guard.

"I'll go with Taehyung. I don't like him being away like that. Call us when you figure something out," Jungkook said while quickly passing Jin by to go to Taehyung, who was almost out of his sight since he was following the ambulance. Both Jungkook and Taehyung hopped in the ambulance with Namjoon and went to the hospital.

They waited for the doctor to get out of the operating room.

"Isn't Namjoon Soura's brother?" Taehyung asked Jungkook who nodded while Tae continued, "Call her."

Jungkook awkwardly looked at Taehyung and with a straight face he said, "I don't have her number."

Taehyung sighed and tried to think of something, saying, "Doesn't Jimin have her number too?"

Jungkook thought for a second and said, "Oh! He might have it. Wait I'll give him a call."

"Hey Jimin! Do you have Soura's number?" Jungkook spoke.

He received a worried, "Yes," from Jimin, "something happened?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah, a flood of blood happened. Just send me her number, and I'll update you later."

So Jimin didn't ask more. They ended the call, and a few seconds later Jungkook's phone buzzed as a signal of receiving a message from Jimin which had Soura's number.

Jungkook dialled her number, but she didn't pick up, so he called her again and still she didn't pick up. "She isn't picking up. That's weird," Jungkook said while glancing at Taehyung who didn't know what to say.

At that moment the doctor came out of the operation room, making both the boys get up and go to the doctor.

"Is he okay?" Tae asked.

The doctor nodded while smiling, saying, "He'll be fine after some rest."

"Was it a stab or a bullet wound?" Jungkook asked the doctor.

"Bullet in the chest. There are some fractures, but with time they'll heal," the doctor replied, reassuring them. He bowed then walked away.

Taehyung eventually called Jin to keep him up to date and in no time Jin reached the hospital, "Is he awake yet? We need answers for this investigation to continue."

Taehyung nodded, "Yeah he woke, but the doctor didn't allow us to enter yet."

Jin sighed then walked towards the front desk while both Taehyung and Jungkook followed him. "I'm Officer Kim Seokjin. May I have access to Kim Namjoon's room for investigation reasons?" Jin politely asked.

Someone showed them Namjoon's room so they entered as they saw a doctor and a nurse in the room. "Didn't I say no one is allowed to come in yet!" the doctor spoke.

The nurse behind the boys, shrug, saying, "He is a police officer. He came for investigation purposes."

The doctor sighed and allowed them in any way.

Namjoon looked at Taehyung with wide eyes, "T-Taehyung," Namjoon weakly spoke as Tae ran to Namjoon's bedside.

"Yes! What happened to you?"

"S-Soura! T-they took her."

Everyone in the room widened their eyes in shock, "Shit! I should've felt something wrong was happening when she didn't pick up," Jungkook cursed.

Jin, on the other hand, stepped forward, grabbing Namjoon's attention, "I am Officer Kim Seokjin, and I'm going to investigate this case so can you brief me on what happened?"

Namjoon weakly nodded, "Earlier this morning people came to my clinic, and I heard some shooting and screams. Thankfully there were no patients yet since working hours didn't start yet. After a few gunshots, and before I could process what was happening outside, the door to my office flung open revealing 2 well-built men with weapons, and then I was on the floor unable to move, but I heard them though. They said, next is this Min Soura. The Min's will be happy with our work. Let's go. that was the last I remember before passing out."

Jin looked at both Taehyung and Jungkook, "Do you know those Min's?" he asked.

"They are the same people who locked Taehyung away for 20 years, and they are the same people who killed Taehyung's parents. THEY ARE THE SAME PEOPLE WHO FUCKED UP EVERYTHING IN EVERYONE'S LIFE INCLUDING JIMIN," Jungkook was speaking in a calm tone in the beginning but ended up yelling out the words.

Not again, Tae thought, another life. His mind was beating loudly instead of his heart. She already sacrificed so much for me. Can't she take a break? Taehyung's head was in another land. Deep down he believed that he was the reason for all of this so he decided that he needed to put an end to it.

Taehyung turned around and started walking towards the door. Jungkook, on the other hand, noticed and called out Taehyung's name, but Tae didn't bother to stop or look at Jungkook. He just walked outside the hospital, took a taxi, and gave him an address which was Jin's house.

He walked to his room and took off his neat clothes and wore his old long baggy pants, his weird shirt, and finally his long dark coat. He went out of the house and took another Taxi. The driver kept taking glances at Tae but didn't care much since he just wanted to get paid and that was all. The cab stopped in front of the familiar mansion but now it was empty since the Min's moved out to another one after the chaos Jungkook caused to let Tae escape.

Taehyung's body shivered when he entered the familiar mansion and went downstairs back to his old room. He held the knob of the metallic room, gulped then opened it. He walked inside the room and closed the door. Tae rested a hand and his head on the door while still standing, "I wondered when I was young what's different! Now I understand."

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