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Edited by GivingLove10 


Jungkook turned in his seat to explain the plan, "First I'll go on that rooftop," he pointed to a building that was opposite to the Min's mansion, "I'll prepare my baby girl, and when you hear the shooting, both of you go in and try to find anything useful that will help us find Soura. Did you understand?"

Jimin opened his mouth in shock. "You want ME and HIM," Jimin pointed at Taehyung and himself in a sarcastic way, "to go inside THAT mansion and find Soura. No, no, that's a bold plan, Jungkook." Jimin crossed his arms, not accepting the plan. Jungkook sighed and turned his face to the wheel, trying to think.

"What do you not like about the plan?" Jungkook asked.

"First, I don't like that you'll be the distraction. Second, Taehyung doesn't know how to defend himself. Third, which is the most important thing, the Min's aren't stupid. The three of you are caught on camera."

The three boys snapped their heads towards the person talking who was Jeon himself. "Yes, of course, it's the mastermind. My father," Jungkook said and rolled his eyes when he saw his father leaning on the car while crossing his arms.

Jeon leaned his head a little to see them and said, "Hello kids!" he rose his hand while giving a small smile.

"Oh! Hello! Mr.Jeon," Taehyung replied with a smile as well. Jimin, on the other hand, felt stiff afraid to make eye contact with Mr. Jeon.

"Looks like you have a plan dad!"

Jeon nodded proudly, "My brain is always working, but unfortunately, the plan doesn't include your baby girl in it," Jeon winked at his son.

Jungkook heavily sighed, "Okay fine! What is the plan?"

Jeon was about to speak, but he opened the door of the car first, starting with the back door which Taehyung was occupying, then said, "First, you guys need to leave the car because-" he raised his eyebrow to make Jungkook eye one of the bodyguards who was coming their way.

"Yeah got it. Guys act normal and follow my father's lead," Jungkook said.

Taehyung and Jimin nodded. All the four of them got out of the car. Jeon was standing behind Taehyung, who was closing the door. Jeon took a step forward behind Tae and leaned a little, grabbing something saying, "And you won't need that on you."

Taehyung quickly turned around, seeing that Mr.Jeon took the gun, Jungkook gave him. "Yeah, I guess!" Tae shrugged.

Jeon placed the gun on his side belt casually and led them to the front door. The bodyguard smiled at Jeon and allowed him to enter the mansion. The head of the Min's who was actually Yoongi's father was sitting in the living room with a cup of coffee in his hand. He caught Jeon with the corner of his eyes, so he placed the cup immediately on the table in front of him and excitedly went to greet Jeon.

"Look, who is here!" Min smiled widely as he hugged Jeon tightly, and Jeon hugged him back.

"How are you doing?" They both let go as Jeon slammed his body on one of the comfy sofas, and Min sat back in the armchair, he was in a minute ago.

"What brings you here?" Min asked while sipping from his coffee.

"I was a little bored."

Min let go of his cup and looked at the three young men who were still standing and asked, "Who are they?"

Jeon stood up and pulled Jungkook under his arm, saying, "This kid here is my son Jungkook."

Min's eyes widened in excitement, "Finally! You will introduce me to your son!" he got up and took out his hand for Jungkook to shake, but Jungkook didn't take it.

Jeon removed his arm from around Jungkook frowning, "What are you doing Jungkook?"

Jungkook ignored both of them and took some steps while placing his hands in his pockets, eyeing the place. "You have a nice mansion. You are rich. You have a good son and a good daughter in law. Hmm- nice," he nodded to himself still his eyes looking around.

"I like him already," Min turned his attention to Jeon, "he is so straightforward, and wow he looks like you."

Jungkook snorted, hearing those words and sat on the couch, crossing his legs one over the other, saying, "I didn't even get started yet."

On the other hand, Jimin was taking some steps backwards, trying his best to be in the range of threatening Min if he did something worth being shot for.

Jungkook took out his hands from his pockets and placed them beside him, caressing the fabric underneath his hands, "You see Mr.Min, I came across an incident this morning. Namjoon, who happened to be Soura's brother, who is clearly your son's wife, was shot and not only that but also Soura noona is missing which doesn't make sense. Do you happen to know where she is?"

Min sat in the same armchair he was occupying earlier and held his cup, answering, "She went on a trip with my son out of the country."

Min's words made Jungkook burst into laughter which distracted Min from the fact that Jimin was standing right behind him with a gun pointing to his head.

"Oh my God! that was too funny," Jungkook continued to laugh while wiping away his fake tears. Jungkook got off the couch after laughing, now giving a straight, serious face, saying, "It's time to be serious, enough with playing games. Where is Soura?" Jungkook's words made Min tense up and finally sense the gun behind his head.

"Jeon straighten your son's mind before he does something that will make both of you regret it."

Jeon was actually sitting on the comfy couch, not caring about the whole situation, and said, "The thing is Min. I trust my son's judgments, and now he is clearly angry because you kinda- hmm- messed up his friends' lives. Why not start dealing with your wrongdoings!"

"So what did I exactly do to piss you off young Jeon?" Min asked while looking at Jungkook, who was standing in front of him.

"Does the name Kim Taehyung ring any bells to you?" Min's eyes widened making Jungkook smirk.

Got yah.

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