
58 17 0

Edited by GivingLove10 


While Yoongi was struggling with self-loathe, Soura was struggling to get out of the darkness that she was swallowed in. Her body was slothed to her bed, and the sound of sniffing never left the house, echoing in every room.

The door's bell alarmed her that she has a visitor, one whom she's been ignoring for the past 4 days, but she decided to open the door for him today. She lazily got off the bed and walked towards the apartment's door, opening it.

"What do you want Namjoon?" Soura asked.

Namjoon didn't reply to her with words but just hugged her tightly, and she hugged him back with a smile creeping on her face.

After pulling apart, he looked at her facial details, that for him looked like shit. He saw the dark bags under her eyes, the messy hair, and the sadness her body radiated.

He walked inside the familiar apartment, closing the door behind him then sat on the couch, pulling her to sit with him.

"How are you doing now?" Namjoon started with concern in his eyes as he eyed all her expressions.

"Do you think I'll be fine after losing my child?" Soura replied, sorrow clouding her eyes, which was clear to Namjoon to interpret.

"Aren't you a little bit relieved that your son's killer is dead now?"

"But that didn't bring back H-Hyun," she bit her lower lip while saying her son's name.

Namjoon noticed her discomfort. He gently placed his hand on her shoulder, making her lean on him and place her head on his lap, while he gently combed her hair with his fingers. "You know sis! At least now you are free from the lies that you built your life upon."

She hummed to his voice and drifted to sleep underneath his touch.

After Namjoon made sure that Soura was asleep, he took out his phone and dialled a number. "Do you think you can make it to Soura's house?" he paused, humming to the other line's voice, "I'll send you the address," and with that he ended the call, sending the address in a message.

Half an hour later or less, the door's bell rang. Namjoon carefully freed himself from his sister and opened the door, "Are you sure she would want to see me?" the visitor spoke.

Namjoon smiled at him then pulled him inside the apartment and closed the door. He led the visitor to the sleeping Soura, saying, "I'll leave you two."

"But she is sleeping!" the visitor whined not wanting to disturb the sleeping person in front of him.

Namjoon took his keys and said before leaving, "She has had enough sleep. It's time to wake her up."

The young man knelt down to have a better look at Soura, who still had her eyes closed. He slowly raised his index finger and gently poked her cheek.

That cute act led the sleeping beauty to open her eyes, blinking as she saw the person in front of her, "Taehyung! What are you doing here?" she sat up straight after looking around her, questioning, "Where is Namjoon?"

Taehyung smiled while crossing his legs, sitting on the floor in front of the couch she was sitting on, "He called me and then left. I actually don't know what I should do to make you feel better. How can I help you?"

Soura caught the sincerity in his eyes, "Get everything that originally belongs to you, with that I won't feel like I've lost my son and mother for nothing."

Tae looked at his lap, fiddling with his fingers as he thought for a moment before saying, "So can I start by getting back to you as friends?" He shut his eyes while biting his lips thinking, What the hell did I just say! She'll think I'm weird or-

His thoughts were cut short when he heard her reply, "My name is Soura, you can call me Rara. Let's be friends," she extended her hand in front of him, hoping for him to remember anything that related to the young her.

Taehyung looked up at her, shaking her hand saying, "My name is Taehyung, you can call me Taetae. Let's be friends forever," he smiled widely.

However, that moment broke her into tears. Taehyung immediately held her against his chest while she cried saying, "It's okay you don't have to blame yourself. Nothing is your fault."

After a few minutes, she pulled away, "Do you remember our first encounter?" Soura spoke while rubbing off the tears that were still sticking to her eyes.

"Yes, I remember telling you 'My name is Taehyung, you can call me V. Let's be friends forever', but since you never called me that and made up your own nickname for me, why not use it!" he winked at her, making a soft laugh escape her mouth.

Both of them spoke for a while, reminiscing the very old memories which Soura tried her best to make Tae remember. He remembered a few of them but felt lost and distant from others.

"Would you like to go eat with me outside?" Taehyung asked her. "Jungkook gave me his credit card," he took it out, showing it to her which made her chuckle.

"Yeah sure, I think I'm starving. I'll be back in 10 minutes. Just wait here."

Tae nodded as he waited for her to finish changing. He got up and looked around the apartment. His eyes caught a pile of books stacked above each other, so he eyed them, reading the side notes, but one particular book looked like a photo album and without hesitation, he took it out carefully.

Taehyung turned the pages, smiling at the baby Soura until at some point his pictures started to appear as well. "I'm sorry I don't remember everything," he said and caressed the first picture he was in with her.

He continued to turn the pages, seeing Soura growing up, but her eyes were getting duller over the years. Her smile looked fake to him. A baby's picture showed up after a couple more pages. Is that baby Hyun? he asked himself and smiled when he turned the page to see Soura holding the baby with Yoongi standing beside her with the widest smile ever.

"Taehyung I'm done let's go. I'll just grab the keys," Soura yelled from her room so he could hear her.

"I'm over here. Let's go," he yelled back, closed the album, and put it back in place.

Both of them rode in the car, buckled up, and Soura drove them off as Taehyung thought to himself, I'll make sure to make that album have a happy ending.

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