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Edited by GivingLove10 


Taehyung blinked a couple of times, trying to process what Soura was saying, before saying, "Mr.Jeon? But Jungkook helped you get me out!"

She nodded, placing her hand on his shoulder while looking into his eyes saying, "I wanted to show him the irony of having the father kill for the Min's, and the son kill them," she removed her hand and continued after sighing, "but Jungkook couldn't kill them."

"Didn't kill them because they are the Min's! Or was there another reason?" he asked, receiving a laugh from her which puzzled him.

"Jungkook doesn't kill. Jeon doesn't make him do that kind of stuff, sadly I knew that after I already asked him to do the job, so there was no going back."

"Soura!" Taehyung called out her name even though she was standing in front of him.

"Hmm yeah," she hummed, giving him all the time he wanted.

"Can I go home now?"

Her heart sank after hearing those words, as she felt unwanted by him. She nodded, "My car-"

Tae didn't let her finish her words, "No I'll go on my own now." He turned around and walked away as she watched his body slowly fade away, but a sudden rush of fear ran through her when a big black van passed by her.

The van halted beside the not caring human named Taehyung, and the door opened as a hand got out and snatched him, pulling him inside the car.

The door closed, and the person who was sitting in the passenger seat beside the driver placed his elbow outside the car and leaned a little towards the side mirror. Soura's eyes widened as her body became weaker by the second.

The person smirked and turned his head a little to look at her, "Shit they have him," escaped from her mouth when the van moved, disappearing from her sight.

It took her 2 to 3 minutes to be able to take any kind of action. She quickly went to her car, buckled up, and went to Jungkook's mansion. The maid opened the door for her, Jiran was at college, which surprised the maid since Soura knew Jiran wasn't at the house.

Soura, on the other hand, asked her to call Jungkook, which the maid did. "Young master! Mrs. Soura is asking to see you," she said from the other side of Jungkook's bedroom door.

He got of bed annoyed. He ruffled his hair, checked himself out in the mirror, then left the room to meet her. "What's wrong?" at first he felt annoyed but now he felt concerned when he saw how pale her face looked like.

"It's Taehyung. He got kidnapped-"

Jungkook's eyes widened at her words and immediately held her arms aggressively not caring if she felt hurt or not. "Who took Taehyung? And how the hell do you know?" he yelled, alarming his mother who was currently in the kitchen.

"I was with him this morning after he finished his session with my brother. When he was walking home, a van took him," Soura said with a sour voice and a trembling body due to Jungkook's harsh grip.

Jungkook quickly reached out to his sweat pants' pocket and took out his phone dialling Jimin's number. "Get prepared. We have a mission," his words were like orders. Jimin didn't say anything other than humming.

On the other hand, Taehyung was in the van, unconscious, since they had drugged him before he could start resisting. The driver drove them to an isolated place far away from the city. A highway, then a big building still under construction, but for some reason, its construction was stopped a long time ago. A big man carried Taehyung on his shoulder and walked to a chair which was previously placed.

He put the unconscious Taehyung on the chair and tied his hands together, behind the back of the chair, which didn't look comfortable at all. The big guy looked at another one who looked like their leader. He was signalled to go wake Taehyung up, so he nodded and took some steps towards Taehyung, slapping his face while uttering words to wake him up, "Yah kid! Wake up."

Taehyung frowned, his eyebrows connected into one line. He squeezed his eyelids together trying to adjust and a few more seconds later he opened his eyes and looked at the big guy in front of him.

"Here you go boss," the big guy said, taking some steps back for their leader to go to Taehyung who widened his eyes in shock the moment his eyes landed on the man in front of him.

He isn't the same person. What is happening here? He thought to himself. The man in front of him was wearing black tight pants, a leather jacket with folded sleeves up to his elbow, also a tattoo was clearly showing on his left arm from the inside of his arm, going up until the jacket's sleeve hid it.

Taehyung's eyes scanned him real well as he saw the rest of the tattoo reaching to the man's neck, as visible as the face of a snake with its mouth wide open, and a scary tongue showing. The guy threw the cigarette on the floor, his lips were holding earlier, and stepped on it, taking some steps towards Taehyung, who didn't take his eyes off him.

"Now now look who do we have here?" The guy chuckled sarcastically at Taehyung since he looked pathetic to him. Taehyung though didn't say anything, only listened to the guy's ranting.

"The Min's aren't happy with your escape young man."

His words made Taehyung roll his eyes in annoyance and say, "Do I look like I enjoyed the stay there?" he raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh no! It has nothing to do with your liking buddy. Be a good boy and follow what I say. I promise nothing will happen to you," the guy baby talked to Taehyung, ending his words with rubbing Tae's chin with his finger.

The young man walked away, but Taehyung's words stopped him due to shock, "Jimin was really sad when you abandoned him, Hoseok."

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