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Edited by GivingLove10 


It took a couple of hours for Taehyung to stop crying, with the help of both Jungkook and Jimin, but mostly Jimin who was on the verge of crying too. Jungkook left the room for Jimin to have some space with Taehyung and went to the living room sitting opposite to Tae.

Jungkook massaged his temples feeling tired from babysitting Taehyung.

"How is he now?" the prince asked not looking at Jungkook, which caught his attention.

"He stopped crying, but I don't think he'll be fine anytime soon."

Jimin got out of the room quickly, looking for Jungkook, and when his eyes landed on him, he walked towards him in panic while saying, "Taehyung is burning up. He needs a doctor or medicine. I don't know what to do-"

Jungkook got up, calming Jimin down by patting his shoulder.

He looked at the prince to ask for help but then remembered what he did to Jimin so he went to Taehyung immediately and sat beside him on the bed, placing his hand on Taehyung's forehead saying, "He is really burning up."

Jungkook got up and asked Jimin to help him carry Taehyung, which he gladly did. He didn't like the fact that Taehyung was laying on the prince's bed so he decided to take him to the other room and place him on the bed, covered him and went to look for a bowl of water, then looked for a towel which was in the closet. He sat on the bed and started nursing Taehyung.

Jimin on the other hand looked at the concerned Jungkook; the last time he saw Jungkook this concerned was when he used to get ill in the first days of their friendship. He was used to Jungkook nursing him after his mother died.

Jimin walked towards Jungkook, then placed his hand on his shoulder which made Jungkook look at him.

"You don't have to stress yourself out. He is going to be fine," Jimin said.

Jungkook looked back at Taehyung and removed the already hot towel,dipping it in the almost hot water which changed after touching Taehyung's sick body. "His mind is in pain which is affecting his body," Jungkook said while changing the towel. Jimin sat on the bed watching Jungkook as he nursed Taehyung.

2 to 3 hours passed when Taehyung opened his eyes to see no one in the room. He tried to sit up straight, but his body was forcing him to stay in the sleeping position. The door to the room he was in, opened revealing Jimin with a bowl of soup which he made himself.

Taehyung went back to his sleeping position and looked away covering himself up with the blanket until his face wasn't visible for Jimin.

"Can I be alone for a while, please?" Taehyung asked.

Jimin hummed in disappointment, then placed the bowl of soup near Taehyung saying, "When you feel like it, drink the soup. It'll help you." He left the room and closed the door behind him.

Taehyung didn't care anymore about closed doors, as his concerns started to change. His mother, his father, the person who took him and who is he! Things he wanted to know which overtook his mind.

"How did I forget about her?" Taehyung hugged his pillow feeling guilty about not remembering his mother and feeling more guilt about not remembering his father.

He was 4 years old, not so many memories, but the ones that happened should've been carved in his mind, he thought. His tears started to roll down again with small sounds of soft sniffs following. His temperature was almost back to normal, but his mental health was not.

The door opened then closed, Taehyung didn't move not bothered by the intruder. His soft sniffing echoed in the room, making the person who entered, come and sit on the bed which Taehyung felt since the bed sank a little, indicating another weight on the bed with him.

"Who is it?" Taehyung said after sniffing from underneath the covers.

"It's me JM," he waited for Taehyung to accept his presence. The covers started moving then Taehyung revealed himself to JM who smiled at him, "Did you cry again?" JM softly asked receiving a shy nod from Taehyung. "Your friends are worried sick about you."

Taehyung hugged his knees resting his chin on them.

"This has nothing to do with them," he said trying to speak few words as he could.

JM looked at the soup placed on the floor then back at Taehyung, saying, "You know this cold soup you left took Jimin a lot of time to make. He refused any help from Yoongi, and Jungkook stayed long for nursing you until your temperature calmed down," JM said calmly, not wanting to make Taehyung feel any more guilt.

The door knocked then opened revealing Jimin; he glanced at the untouched soup, went to it, leaned down and picked it up. He felt that it became colder so he took it and when he was about to leave the room, Taehyung spoke, "I'm sorry Jimin."

Jimin looked at him with a smile saying, "It's okay. Take your time to recover. I'll always be there if you need me."

Jimin stepped out of the room then held the knob, but Taehyung suddenly darted towards Jimin and hugged him, crying in his arms, "I don't know what to do. I don't know who I am, and I don't understand anything. I'm scared Jimin. Did father do this to me?" he spat out all the questions he asked himself for the past couple of hours.

JM went to both of them, Jimin however gestured JM to take the soup from him, so he can hug Taehyung back. Which JM gladly took and stepped outside the room, leaving both of them alone.

"We don't know Taehyung, but you surely shouldn't accuse your father for doing something like that. You need to be strong and regain your courage, overwhelm yourself with optimism, and always listen to your inner self. You'll learn everything through time. Just wait and see," Jimin reassured Taehyung while patting his back.

Taehyung opened his eyes finally as he stopped crying, he saw Jungkook in front of his eyes leaning a little to meet Taehyung's level which was at Jimin's shoulder.

This shocked Taehyung a little which made him back away from the hug then ruffle his hair while sniffing a little, "Sorry," he apologized to both Jimin and Jungkook for troubling them, but they just hugged him accepting his apology.

Taehyung now knew how to find his parents, something he would share with his friends the moment they got back to their original time.

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