
59 16 0

Edited by GivingLove10 


An hour later, the operation's room light switched off, revealing the doctor, a bed with a sleeping Jimin, and some nurses pushing it. Taehyung and Jungkook got up quickly as their eyes caught Jimin and went to the doctor.

"How is he?" Jungkook asked the doctor worriedly.

"He is going to be fine. He just needs to rest and not move for a day or two for the wound to heal."

"Can we see him?" Taehyung asked while biting his lower lip, receiving a nod from the doctor.

Both of them followed the nurses and went inside the room where Jimin was being placed in a more comfortable bed. A nurse held the tip of the bed cover and covered Jimin with it.

The nurse left the room after finishing her routine with the patients. Taehyung sat on the chair beside Jimin's bed and held his hand, saying, "I'm sorry if I only I went with Soura noona, I wouldn't have gotten taken, and you wouldn't have been shot."

Jungkook gulped and stepped outside the room. Now he was more afraid than he could ever be, Jimin would wake up at any moment, and he'll have to tell him about his father.

He leaned his back on the wall beside the door's frame and exhaled sharply as only negative thoughts ran inside his messed up brain. Jungkook went to the front desk and paid for Jimin's operation bills.

After finishing that, he picked up his cellphone and dialled a number, "Jimin is at ##hospital. He is fine, and Taehyung is with him," he said, he didn't even wait for a reply from the other line and ended it, placed his phone in his pocket, then walked out of the hospital.

Taehyung, on the other hand, was still sitting beside Jimin's bed, holding his hand and placing it on his forehead. About another 30 minutes later, Jimin started to open his eyes.

"Hey! You okay," Taehyung spoke as he felt Jimin's hand move in his so he looked at him sadly.

Jimin hummed with a smile then moved his head in both directions, looking for Jungkook who left a couple of minutes ago. "Where is Jungkook?" Jimin asked almost whispering.

"I don't know when he'll be back. Maybe he'll be later," Tae replied.

Suddenly the room door opened revealing a breathless Jin, he walked towards Jimin who was about to sit, but Taehyung forced his chest down so he wouldn't be able to move.

"What happened Jimin? Jungkook called me saying you are in the hospital!"

Taehyung bit his lip and looked down while saying, "He got shot as a result of protecting me."

Jin threw his body on the other chair which was placed on the other side of Jimin's bed. He felt furious about himself, I'm always late. Always busy, he thought while rubbing his temples in anger. "When did you guys come back?" his question was directed to Taehyung since he knew Jimin was too weak to answer.

"Last night! We stayed with Jungkook since you were- hmm- busy," he grinned.

Jin sighed, placed a hand on his thigh and leaned his body back on the chair. "That was so messed up. Anyway, Jimin, tell me who did that so I can get an arrest warrant," Jin said.

Jimin's body tensed up all of a sudden and squeezed Taehyung's hand which was still held by him. "Can't you just let it slide this once?" Jimin asked with pleading eyes. He was scared that Jin might blame Taehyung, but Jimin didn't understand Jin at all.

Jin was a really caring person, but the kind that doesn't like to show it by hugs, sweet words or being present all the time. Jin was all about the actions he takes. If it was money that Jimin wants, he'll do everything in his power to make him unable to say, 'hyung I need.' At the start when he took Taehyung with him to his house, his intentions were to make Jimin focus on taking care of someone.

He once tried to get Jimin a pet to make him stop going with Jungkook because Jungkook for Jin was mere danger. However, Jimin refused, afraid that he might not be good enough to look after it.

When he shouted at Jimin for taking Taehyung out on his first day, it was because he wanted to teach him how to be responsible. Maybe Jin was doing some things wrong, but in his mind, he was trying to do everything in his power to keep Jimin out of danger and take care of him since he promised his sister he'd do that.

Jin stood up with a frown and anger, he suddenly felt tied down by how Jimin was trying to push him away. Am I doing something wrong? he thought as he got nearer to Jimin's bed and said, "You are telling me that I shouldn't care about who was about to kill my sister's kid! Are you fucking serious Jimin?" Jimin didn't reply to him, but Jin felt something weird happening, making him tilt his head and narrow his eyes.

"Does it have something to do with Jungkook?" he spoke eyeing Jimin's body reaction, but it wasn't Jimin who felt stressed out, it was Taehyung since he knew the whole truth. He knew that Jungkook was feeling guilty.

Tae debated on whether to tell them or not, but he decided not to since he didn't want to cause more drama. Jungkook should be the one who tells them not me, Tae thought.

All of a sudden, Jimin's phone rang, but Taehyung picked it up since Jimin couldn't, "Hello!" Tae spoke first.

"Hi dear! Is that Taehyung talking?"

Taehyung hummed in agreement.

"Isn't Jimin available?"

Taehyung looked at Jimin as he nodded and placed the phone on Jimin's ears, holding the phone for him.

"Hello! It's Jimin," he spoke still with a weak voice.

"Oh dear! Did I wake you up? You sound tired."

"No, it's fine. Is Jungkook fine?" Jimin asked since he knew that Jungkook's mother calls him when Jungkook was not feeling well, which isn't common.

"He came to the house a while ago and locked himself inside his room. He doesn't want anyone to bother him. Did something happen? I figured you might know."

Jimin heard her words which puzzled him, he thought that Jungkook might have felt guilty for not being able to make him prevent being shot; or Jungkook might have been angry because he didn't listen to his words when he told him to stay back.

He looked at Taehyung before saying, "I can't come to visit him now, but Taehyung will be there to get his ass out of that room. Don't worry ma'am."

She thanked him, and they both finally ended the call.

Taehyung took the phone from Jimin confused and placed it back on the shelf beside the bed. "What was that about?" he asked receiving a sigh from Jimin.

"Just go see Jungkook," he said and then looked at Jin, asking, "can you drive him there?"

"I'll do that under the condition of you telling me what exactly happened with you," Jimin bit his lower lip but nodded anyway.

Jin and Taehyung said their goodbyes to Jimin and left the room.

Oh man! How will I tell him that Hoseok was involved in all of this?

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