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Edited by GivingLove10 


Again! Another lost friend! Jimin thought while looking at Taehyung's back, but out of nowhere, Jin stepped in front of Taehyung, blocking his way out.

"Where are you going?" Jin's voice was soft but firm. He didn't want to scare Taehyung, but at the same time, he wanted to make it clear to Taehyung that he needs to be strong.

"Somewhere away from here," he replied, tightening his grip on the letters against his chest. Jin glanced at the letters then back at Taehyung's face which was hanging low.

"Lift your head and look at me while talking."

Taehyung's brain was clouded with furry. He needed to release the explosion which was about to destroy his insides, so he angrily pushed Jin's chest, making Jin stumble backward, and the letters Tae was holding fall on the floor.

"What do you want from me, huh?" Taehyung yelled without wasting a second to push Jin's chest more. "Why do people want more than they deserve? What does the word greed even mean?" He panted with every word he said and every hit he gave.

"The moment I got out of my black and white prison, I expected to be greeted with a colorful world, but guess what! THIS WORLD IS JUST ANOTHER PRISON BUT IN COLORS."

Taehyung furiously turned around to leave, but Jin held his hand quickly, preventing him from leaving. However, Taehyung yanked his hand away and pushed Jin harshly, making him fall on the floor. All that led to Jin's gun to slip away from his waist holster and land somewhere near Taehyung's feet.

Tae went silent for a second, as his eyes landed on the gun, making all those present in the room look back and forth at both him and the gun in worry. He marched towards the gun and snatched it, saying, "Now I understand why people want to take revenge."

In a split of a second, Jin got up and swiftly took the gun from Taehyung's hand, throwing it away and back hugged him. Everyone in the room widened their eyes, witnessing Jin's action.

"Taehyung that anger you have inside you is understandable, but if you surrender to it, you'll lose more than what you've already lost." Jin's words echoed in Taehyung's ears, making him realize what he was about to do.

Tears started to form in Tae's eyes as he said, "I'm scared, and I don't know what to do. He told me not to trust anyone other than Soura. He told me to take back what originally belongs to me. He told me- he-" Tae bit his lower lip as he remembered all his father's words which he read through the letters, continuing, "He told me to never surrender."

Jin let go of Taehyung and turned him to face each other, as he held his shoulders, Jin said, "I'm here to help you. Even if you don't trust me as just Jin, trust me as Officer Kim Seokjin. I want to help you, so allow me to."

Taehyung looked in Jin's eyes for a second before saying, "Why are you helping me? Why did you even help me from the very start? If I were in your shoes, I would've never believed someone like me."

"Who said that I believed you the moment I saw you?" Jin paused then sighed and explained, "When you were unconscious at the hospital, I asked someone to look up for your name, but apparently there were hundreds of people with the name Kim Taehyung. However, none of them matched the description I gave them about you. Therefore, I decided to take you with me. I had no other choice other than keeping a close eye on you until I could prove that you have nothing to do with the Min's."

"What?" Taehyung questioned in confusion with knitted eyebrows.

"The Min's did a lot of dirty work other than just locking you. I had nothing on them, and I thought that you will lead me to something, but unfortunately, you weren't lying, and I couldn't just throw you out of my place."

Jimin hesitantly walked towards Jin, making Jin turn to face him, as Jimin said, "What made you confirm that he wasn't lying? You were so overprotective over him since the very beginning-"

Jin cut Jimin's words short by saying with a regretful smile, "I saw the scars on his back, and I also read the diaries."

"You read his diaries, how could you?" Jimin was so pissed because of Jin's intrusion on Taehyung's privacy, but the truth was that he was angry because he was the one lacking knowledge. He felt left behind and that saddened him even more.

Suddenly, Jin's phone rang, so he took it out of his pocket and cursed, making Taehyung slowly get closer to Jin, asking, "What's wrong?"

"Only 5 hours left before I can no longer arrest the Jung's. I have nothing on them yet, and they are going to leave the country." Jin ruffled his hair in frustration.

"You still didn't find anything on them hyung?" Jimin asked.

"They are so neat. I even tried to find something relating to Taehyung, but so many things were erased. I have nothing, and I feel restrained. Oh gosh! This is so annoying damn it," Jin huffed, resting his hands on his waist in irritation.

Taehyung cleared his throat, saying with a little stutter, "D-dad said something about him collecting evidence on both the Jung's and the Min's."

Jin immediately snapped his head towards Taehyung, moving toward his direction, "What did he tell you?"

At that moment Taehyung leaned down to take the dark blue file and handed it to Jin, "He said everything he worked on is in this file. I'm sure that you'll know better."

Jin snatched the file from Taehyung's hand and went through it. With every page he turned, a gasp left his mouth mixed with an 'Oh Shit'.

"Jimin take Taehyung to the house. Lola come with me. We have 3 warrants to ask for."

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