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Edited by GivingLove10 


Hoseok gritted his teeth as he heard Taehyung's words, saying, "I didn't expect Jimin to speak about me."

Taehyung tilted his head to the side saying, "So you do know that I was staying with Jimin!"

Hoseok took some steps towards Taehyung, leaning down to his eye level, "I know everything little man," he smirked and walked away leaving Taehyung alone with his men.

Back at the mansion, Soura and Jungkook stood opposite to each other, waiting for Jimin, and at the same time thinking about a plan.

"Do you have any kind of lead on them? Something to tell my men to start with," Jungkook spoke.

"Yes I know the guy who took Taehyung, his name is Jung Hoseok," she said without hesitation, not knowing the history between him, Jungkook, and Jimin.

Jungkook's eyes almost fell out of their sockets when he heard the familiar name and he bit his lip. Calling Jimin was a bad idea. Damn it, his thoughts were cut off by the appearance of Jimin rushing towards them.

"What happened?" he asked Jungkook, receiving a heavy sigh from him.

"Taehyung got kidnapped, and we need to find him."

Jimin's shock was clear to both of them as he tried to gulp it, "How and why?"

Soura understood the short questions and without wasting much time she told them about the Min's but left out the details of Jeon being the killer of Tae's mother.

Jungkook ordered some of his men to track Hoseok's location, but after an hour of mere failure, Jimin's phone rang so he picked up the unknown number.

"Hello!" Jimin spoke.

"It's been a long time Jimin."

A chuckle was heard on the other line from Jimin's side, as his body tensed up when he heard his, used to be, friend's voice.

The words came out of Jimin's mouth like an earthquake of only stutters, "He-hello," he gulped "i-is Tae-Taehyung okay?"

Hoseok gave out a loud evil laugh hearing him struggling. "He is still alive. I just called to tell you, if both you and Jeon's son don't stop looking for my men and me, I will make sure to kill Taehyung," He paused but continued with a whisper, "and soon you will follow Park Jimin." Hoseok ended the call, shivers ran all over Jimin's body.

It's been long since he heard Hoseok's voice, sure thing when they went back in time there was another Hoseok, but now he remembered the difference between them when he received the call.

Jungkook noticed the discomfort in Jimin's eyes so he went to him asking, "Who was that?"

Jimin was lost in thought and words, his eyes were only focused on the floor, and his mind was elsewhere.


"Hobi! aren't you going to speak to me today too?"

Jimin clung to his arm, but he pushed him hard, making Jimin fall on the floor.

"Didn't you get the message already? I'm ignoring you so stay away from me."

His smile faded away when he heard those words. Did his parents get into a fight again yesterday? He thought.

Jimin got up, brushed off the imaginary dust on his pants and made another smile appear on his face saying, "Okay! I'll wait for you. Take your time, and if you ever feel like you want help, you know where to find me," he nodded cutely at his own words and took his now uneatable lunch box since it fell on the floor with all the food painting it.

Another morning came and Hoseok was still the same. Jimin walked up to Hobi's desk, giving out an apple he had, saying, "If I was the cause of something, then tell me. I promise I'll be better."

Hoseok huffed in annoyance, "Why are you so annoying?"

Jimin giggled with his hand still in front of Hoseok with the apple in it, "Because you used to annoy me too back then when we weren't friends so I'm doing the same since I'm not willing to give up on you anytime soon."

Hoseok got angrier and pushed Jimin's hand, leading the apple to fall on the floor. Jimin's eyes followed the red apple and back to Hoseok, whom he didn't understand his actions. Jimin's eyes started to tear up as he said, "Why are you doing this? Please tell me," his heart was starting to make a cracking sound.

He finally started to realize that Hoseok wasn't playing around and that this was real, them not being friends anymore.

"I don't have much time to explain to someone as pathetic as you, piss off." Hoseok pushed Jimin's shoulder lightly, making Jimin take a couple of steps back.

Jimin walked out of the classroom while trying his hardest to hide his sniffing so people wouldn't mock him. Hoseok, on the other hand, eyed him, he heard the soft sniffing, placed his hand on the table to hide his face. I'm sorry Jimin, he thought to himself, not even being able to say it out loud since he was being bugged.

Hoseok was an only child. His parents were the follower type and friends with the Min's. Anything the Min's asked them they would obey without even thinking twice. One day the Min's suddenly asked them to make Hoseok join the Jeon's so they can spy on them, since trust issues occurred between the Jeon's and Min's houses.

The only 14-year-old boy was forced to cut off all his ties with people around him and only make friends with the Jeon's kid. Hobi's parents followed him most of the time, a mic was placed inside his clothes if they weren't around or someone would follow him and report back to them.

He was threatened, and he was surely scared.

"If you don't cut ties with that pathetic fool of a friend you have named Jimin, we will make sure to erase his existence," his father's words always echoed in his mind.

At first, he thought, ignoring Jimin is enough, but one day he heard his parents having a conversation that ticked something in him.

"Hoseok is lying. If he cut ties with that Jimin guy, then why did he come visit us yesterday?"

He was scared because he thought that his parents were finally satisfied, but ignoring Jimin wasn't enough, so he decided to be the bad guy, and really show them that he didn't like Jimin or have any kind of good relationship with him, but one day he made a mistake which he regrets more than forcing Jimin out of his life.

End of flashbacks

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