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Edited by GivingLove10


After the doctor checked on Taehyung, he went to call for Jimin. They both went to the doctor's office and sat down to have a conversation. The doctor asked Jimin for more information on Taehyung, so Jimin gave what little information he knew making the doctor gasp in surprise.

"You took him to a nightclub are you out of your mind! That's so dangerous for someone who has been locked up his entire life. You need to take baby steps with him that's if you really want to help him."

"Then how do you suggest for me to help him! I'm working on showing him the world and explaining things that he might not understand but more than that I don't know what to exactly do."

"You can keep doing what you are doing but before you show him the world, in reality, you need first to teach him the basics and I suggest to send him to a psychologist he will know how to deal with him."

Jimin nodded then excused himself and went directly to Taehyung's room.

Tae was sitting on the bed resting his back on the backboard with a pillow in between.

"Oh Jimin you came," Tae said smiling as he saw Jimin walk into the room so he smiled back at him.

"Are you okay now?" Jimin asked and got a nod as an answer from him.

He sat beside Tae's bed then his expression changed from a smiling one to a sad one. "I'm sorry for not being able to make it earlier-"

Tae cut him off by holding Jimin's hand which was resting on the bed beside his saying, "You don't have to apologize. I think you were right when you said that I'm sick. Can I ask you to help me?"

Jimin looked at Tae with his eyes wide open trying to understand how someone can be this forgiving and understanding at the same time.

"I will help you. I just spoke with the doctor, and he suggested to take you to a psychologist will you be okay with that?"

"Why won't I? If this will help me be normal then I won't mind at all."

"You will have to tell him about everything, and he will make sure to make you remember what happened before you were taken away. Are you sure you are ready for something like that?" Jimin asked while tightening his hold on Tae's hand with worried eyes and tone.

"It's really fine Jimin. I trust you, I trusted you back then when I was locked away again, and you really came, so my trust for you wasn't in vain," Tae said smiling at him after seeing the guilt in Jimin's eyes.

That bastard Jungkook will pay for what he did, Jimin thought.

After a couple of hours, both Jimin and Tae left the hospital and went back to the house but the second they entered Jimin was met by a harsh slap across his face.

Both of them looked at Jin in shock.

"Why did I trust you? Why did you take Taehyung out of the house and where were you up 'till now it's freakin 5 am. I thought you changed but looks like you will never change. If my sister was still alive, she would've felt ashamed of your existence!" Jin yelled at Jimin which brought shivers to Taehyung.

Jimin avoided eye contact with Jin but tightened his grip on Taehyung's hand as Jin kept yelling.

Jin looked at Taehyung who was standing behind Jimin in fear not understanding a single thing from what Jin said.

"Where did he take you Taehyung?" Jin asked with concern in his voice but one word, one word that Taehyung didn't know could make Jin angrier.


Jin looked at Jimin bitterly, "You took my car, went to a nightclub and not only that but you also took Taehyung with you; he shouldn't have left the house. He should be kept inside."

Taehyung slipped his hand from Jimin and put it on his chest which started to heave heavily. He should be kept inside! Why do I need to be kept inside? Am I still locked? I wanna run away, Tae thought but was cut off by Jimin's voice.

"Taehyung are you okay! Do you feel sick? You wanna sleep!"

"Why do I have to be kept inside? Did I do something wrong?" Taehyung said between his heavy breathing which made Jin put his hand on his mouth realizing what he said.

"Oh my God! I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way. You can leave and go wherever you want, I was just saying this as a temporary thing. I wanted to make sure you know some things first before going into the real world 'cause you don't know how to deal with it please Taehyung don't take it literally," Jin said while placing his hand on Tae's shoulder trying to reassure him and make him understand the situation.

Taehyung paced his breathing and calmed down which made Jimin and Jin sigh in relief and then exchange glances.

"I will talk to you later Jimin," Jin said with a stern voice, but Tae interrupted the angry glance that Jin gave Jimin.

Tae said softly, "He did nothing wrong. He also helped me go to the hospital. You need to thank him not scold him."

"A what? Hospital?"

"Did I say something wrong?" Tae looked at Jimin confused not understanding the sudden burst which made Jimin sigh.

"You just made things worse Taehyung, but I appreciate it anyway," Jimin murmured.

"Both of you go to sleep, I'm tired and I don't want to nag you anymore, leave before I change my mind," Jin said after exhaling heavily and then he entered his room.

Jimin went to his room and was about to close the door behind him but Taehyung was standing in front of him so he tilted his head asking, "What?"

"Can I sleep with you like last night?"

Jimin nodded and made Taehyung get inside his room, but unconsciously he closed the door however he quickly opened it uttering a sorry for Taehyung, receiving a smile from him while saying softly, "You can close it as long as you are inside the same room I am in, you can close the door."

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