
52 17 0

Edited by GivingLove10 


It took Taehyung a few minutes to recollect himself before taking the next letter. He opened the letter, reading the same 'Dear V' again.

Dear V,

I found Soura crying yesterday in the backyard of our house, and when I asked her for the reason, she told me that the Min's didn't feed you today because I didn't give them what they asked for.

I'm sorry Taehyung for not being able to take you out till this moment. I also don't think I can make it, it's been 2 and a half years since they took you from me. Every day, they keep pressuring me to give them all the stocks of my company.

I won't let them take something that originally belongs to you. My work won't go to waste, and I'm sure they'll never kill you. I know they want you to be the one to sign those papers for them if I didn't.

Don't ever sign anything the Min's give you. They are bad people. Remember son they were behind your mother's death. I have proof in the file attached with the letters.

I have no idea how old you will be when Soura and I get you out of that place, but I want to make sure to tell you that you should be careful with those around you.

Not everyone is as good as he seems to be, and not under every evil mask, lays evil. Some masks are there to hide something, so avoid all of that and just stick to Soura, only her and trust her judgments.

I'll try to give you those letters. I want to reassure you that you aren't alone. You have Soura and I to help you so don't lose hope no matter what.

Yours Dad,

Taehyung angrily threw the letter and shouted in frustration, saying, "You didn't give me anything. This letter is 18 years old!" He abruptly took the following letter, tearing the tip of it to continue going through all the letters.

Dear V,

Apparently, I found a way to reach you, but sadly we won't be able to see each other. I spoke with Soura, and she told me about the house's butler, Hanze. She did her best to befriend him and helped in making me contact him to make a deal.

Firstly, I told him to allow Soura to give you books and allow you to learn. Secondly, I asked Hanze to always call you by 'Kim Taehyung' for you to always remember which family you belong to. Third, I asked him to give me a picture of you, and gladly he accepted and sent me one.

However, I cried a lot when I saw your small figure sleeping in the corner of that hideously dark room. I asked Soura 'why wasn't he sleeping on the bed?' She looked down, saying 'He wasn't sleeping, but he was drugged that's what Mr.Hanze told me'

I tried with everything I got to prevent those drugs from entering your system by making Hanze be the one responsible for injecting you with them since he wasn't originally the one in charge of doing that, but surely he pretended like he was injecting you to trick the Min's.

The Mins were the ones directing Hanze and telling him what or how to treat you that's why both Soura and I concluded that Hanze needed to execute the orders accordingly before they suspect anything.

I'm sorry son, and I hope this letter reaches you.

Yours Dad,

Since the moment Taehyung yelled and threw the 3rd letter, all those present in front of the locker room came inside the room, but they didn't say a word.

Taehyung's hands shivered for a second when he held the last letter, peeled off the cover and unfolded it. No words left his mouth, only his eyes were full of emotions. Jimin saw the sadness and took a glimpse of the words written on the letters scattered around Taehyung, reading 'Yours Dad, Dear V, Soura and hope'

Jimin walked towards the stunned and frowning Taehyung and sat beside him while placing his arm around his friend's shoulder. Taehyung didn't brush him off, instead, he wanted to feel warm while reading the last letter.

Taehyung gulped and clenched his shirt, closed his eyes for a moment when he read the first line which wasn't the same this time. Jimin quickly held Taehyung's face saying, "If you find it hard to continue reading on your own, let me read it for you."

Tae exhaled and opened his eyes, giving a fake smile, "It's okay, I can do this on my own. J-Just keep- hmm- hugging me, please." Jimin nodded, keeping his arm around Taehyung for the comfort he asked for.

Dear Taehyung,

4 years passed with you having 2 scars and lonely life. I can't take it anymore. With every mistake I make, they hurt you, knowing how much regret I will feel, and yeah I feel regretful for every stupid decision I made, starting with when I ignored both you and your mother to when I decided to go tell the police.

The Min's denied all my accusation by removing your name from my family registration, turning me into a mad man.

I tried everything to keep you safe. I gave so much money to Hanze to keep his mouth shut. I tried to bribe the Jung's, but I failed and that ended up by the Min's hurting you in the process.

One day, I opened my email, and my eyes were met by a video of the Min's burning a scar onto the back of your right shoulder. They are savages, barely even human. The only thing they feel at all is their never-ending greed.

I'm sorry son. I tried, but I can't handle the pressure anymore. Hope you never surrender like me.

Kim Hyun-Bin father of Kim Taehyung,

Taehyung scanned the floor, seeing the scattered letters and 2 pairs of legs, Jin and Lola. He escaped from Jimin's embrace and crawled to get all the letters back in one place.

Everyone in the room looked at him, glances of worry changed into sympathy. Jimin put his hands on his mouth to get rid of any unwanted sobs to be heard by the now sobbing Taehyung.

His heart was in so much pain, and his mind was in war. He didn't know what to do. He was scared and felt like he lost the chance to experience life.

"What did he tell you Taehyung?" Jimin asked holding in his quivering voice.

Taehyung stood up, hugging the letters then leaned to take the file, and while looking at Jimin with a clear frown, he said, "He told me not to trust anyone."

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