
66 15 0

Edited by GivingLove10 


Next morning, Jungkook was the first to wake up, sure thing he found neither Jimin nor Taehyung beside him, so he went to the guest's room and found them peacefully sleeping there.

A smile was drawn on his face, when suddenly someone placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, cutting him off from watching the scene so he looked back, saying, "Oh dad! You're back."

Mr.Jeon gave him a smile, saying, "Yeah I am. What are your friends doing here?"

"Something came up at Jin's place, so they stayed here for tonight."

"Hmm okay! Wanna join me for a walk?"

Jungkook politely nodded then closed the door and followed his father to the house's backyard which was beautifully decorated. The two of them walked while chatting a little.

"So son, are you happy helping me with this job?"

"Yeah sure, why are you asking?" Jungkook replied keeping his head low, looking at his feet and the details of the ground beneath him.

"Nothing, just asking a question that my father never asked," Mr.Jeon said glancing at his son.

"Oh if he would've asked you that, what would've been your answer?" Jungkook asked, looking up at his father wanting to see the first expression.

Jeon gave out a heavy sigh, reminiscing all the hard times he had, trying to obey his strict father. "I don't want to be like my father Jungkook. That's why I'm asking you this 'cause back then even if I would've said, 'No father I'm not happy' he would've brushed it off and continued forcing me to do the things he wanted anyway."

Jungkook looked away running his hand through his soft hair, saying, "I'll let you know if I wasn't happy." He paused but continued shortly, "Dad! I just want to let you know that you are a good father. I didn't meet my grandfather, but I guess he had his reasons for doing such things. Doing things the easy way sometimes work," he shrugged his shoulders

Mr.Jeon halted with a little frown on his face as he looked at Jungkook's back who still didn't stop, "Easy way? Do you think being in the mafia is easy?"

Jungkook turned around to look at his father while slowly nodding, a little afraid of his father's reaction to his words. "Hmm yeah it is," he said as he bit his lower lip trying to imagine the word 'normal' which Jimin always mentioned to Taehyung. He kinda felt jealous that Jimin was trying with Taehyung and not him, he continued after a long pause, "Going to school, then university, then struggling to find a job, then struggling to keep the job. Oh, not to mention the mental breakdowns when you find that this isn't the thing you want to do. Believe me, dad being in a mafia is way easier because you can kill away your problems, but in real life, you have to face them which you nor grandpa and not even me ever did."

He looked away again not wanting to find out what kind of expression his father's face wore, angry or sad he didn't know and didn't want to know. However, Mr.Jeon smiled and said, "You are a good man Jungkook."

Those words made Jungkook's heart jump in joy and beat faster. A word of compliment from his father was a rare thing to him, which made him give a wide shy smile, nod, look away, and rub the back of his head in happiness.

"Oh! I almost forgot. Why did your mother ask someone to look for a person called Kim Sunmi?" Jeon asked Jungkook.

Who made an O sound and respond immediately, "She's actually Taehyung's mother."

"She's what!" Jeon couldn't believe his ears hearing those words from his son "Are you serious?" he continued still a little confused.

"Yes! I even found his father who died too. I wanted to help Tae, but it was of no use," Jungkook said and looked away a little embarrassed of his failure.

"Of course he is dead. Were you able to get to the letter?"

Jungkook raised an eyebrow at his father, saying,"Are you keeping an eye on me? How do you know all that?" he felt somehow irritated and was taken aback by his father's sudden confession.

"Yes! I see no problem with that. I am a targeted man Jungkook. If someone wants to find me, the first thing they'll do, is get to my family which is you, your mother, and sister, so I must keep an eye on each of you," he paused then continued as he got closer to Jungkook making him look at him, "do you understand Jungkook?"

Jungkook nodded while looking at his father, finally understanding the importance of what his father said. Mr.Jeon smiled at him and placed both his hands on Jungkook's shoulder saying, "Good! Let's go have breakfast before your mother shortens our life span." Jungkook giggled at his father's words and walked away. "Wake your friends too!" Jeon yelled for Jungkook to hear.

Jungkook went inside the house with a smile plastered on his face as he walked to the room where both his friends were sleeping, he found Jimin sitting on the bed with his back facing him. Jungkook stood there watching jimin's movements. Jimin stayed put for a couple of seconds before he leaned forward and ruffled Taehyung's hair leaving a peck on his head.

Jungkook was overwhelmed with jealousy, he poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue in annoyance. Jimin probably felt Jungkook's presence so he turned to look at him. He got off the bed and went where jungkook was standing. "Good morning," he crossed his arms, "slept well in your king-sized bed?" Jimin mockingly said while leaning on the door's frame.

Jimin's cockiness made Jungkook roll his eyes, saying, "How was your late-night sleep with TAEHYUNG! Did it feel good? I can see you are being intimate with him," he playfully said, raising an eyebrow at Jimin trying to make him feel uncomfortable which worked.

Jimin hit Jungkook's arm saying, "You are annoying Jungkook-ssi."

Jungkook giggled and threw an arm around Jimin's shoulder while his other rubbed his philtrum –space between the nose and upper lip- with his index. "And you are short Jiminie hyung."

Jimin roared making Jungkook run away while loudly laughing, and sure thing Jimin didn't let Jungkook run away, and ran after him.

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