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Edited by GivingLove10 


"So you are telling me that Taehyung's father left him a letter, and you just came to fetch it?"

Jin nodded to Lola's words, as he tried to catch his breath after the running he had to do.

Lola turned her head to direct her words to Taehyung, who was stunned in his place. "Give me details about your father," she ordered while seating herself on Jin's desk and taking out a paper and pen to write down Tae's words.

He looked at Jimin then ruffled his hair, trying to think of what to tell her, "Actually, I don't have the details, but I can call someone who knows. Would you mind talking to him instead?"

She smiled at him and accepted to take the call. Tae took out his phone and after calling Jungkook, he briefed him on the current situation and gave the phone to the officer.

"Oh yeah, I remember! I was just a newbie back then, to be honest," she talked through the phone while listening to the other line. "Okay! So the name is Kim Hyun-Bin," she paused. "Can I just ask you how do you know all this information, sir?"

Jimin rolled his eyes, but Jin grabbed the phone from Lola's hand and ended the call quickly.

"What did you do that for?" she looked at him annoyed but received a cute giggle from Jin. "Okay fine! I won't ask for more. Now I know the name. We just need to go to the lockers in the backroom."

"Backroom? Isn't that for the VIPs?" Jin questioned.

Lola hit Jin's head lightly, "Wake up! I just said the name Kim Hyun-Bin, surely you know who that is," she said taking the keys and led the way, while Jin rubbed his head from the painful hit.

"Enlighten me because it seems like I don't remember who that is."

She rolled her eyes as she opened the door, "That's the head of the Kim family who suddenly disappeared 20 years-" before she continued, she stopped when her brain worked a little harder. Lola turned on her heels, looking at Taehyung, saying, "If he is your father that means that you are the last Kim. Wait what! You were locked away for 20 years. What happened to you?" She placed her hands on his shoulder which made Taehyung feel uncomfortable.

"It's fine now. I just want to know what the last words my father left me were," he replied to her while gently sliding her hands down from his shoulder.

She nodded at him and walked inside the locker room along with them. Lola stopped at the locker with a 'Kim Hyun-Bin' label and gave Taehyung the key, pulling both Jimin and Jin outside the room.

Taehyung gulped and opened the locker. A stack of papers was enveloped together with a rubber band, and a file was underneath them. He took them out and sat on the floor.

The letters were the first to grab his curiosity, so he removed the rubber band and took out the first letter from the 5 letters.

His heart was pounding so loud, but he wasn't sure what the reason was. He placed his hand on his chest and exhaled harshly, trying to calm down his anxiety. It took him a few seconds to unfold the letter and meet his father's handwriting for the first time since forever.

Dear V,

I don't know how to start this, but I want to make sure to tell you that I love you so much. I'm so sorry for not being there for you in your first 4 years. I'm sorry that I prioritized my work over taking care of you. You have all the right to not remember me. I'll do my best to get you out of that place, so please don't ever surrender to whatever the Min's do to you.

Remember son that your life is the most precious thing to me, I couldn't save your mother, so I'll do my best to save you. Soon someone will be there to aid you and get you out of that colorless prison cell.

I know I won't be able to give you this letter now, but I'll write it for older you to read it. I hope it's sooner than I think so I don't have to give you this stupid letter.

Your father is waiting for you, so stay strong.

Yours Dad,

You lied. You aren't here anymore, he thought. Tae placed the 1st letter aside and took the next one.

Dear V,

It's been 2 years since they took you away from me, and I don't know how to take you back from them. I hope you received the books Soura sent. I hope you don't go insane, and just learn to make yourself as sane as possible. You need to get out and take back all the years they took from you.

I want you to overtake the world and expose them for what they did to our family. Don't be a coward and make them pay for their wrongdoings.

You turned 6 now, I know you must be scared and lonely, but remember to stay strong. Learn to write and write your own diaries so that one day I can read them and know what you were thinking of.

I am sorry I wasn't there for your mother. I'm sorry for not being there for you. I'm sorry I can't hug you to sleep. I'm sorry for being an incompetent father. One day I'll be there for you. One day I'll hug you to sleep. One day I'll take you to all the places you want to go to. One day I'll make sure that I deserve the title father.

Yours Dad,

Taehyung hugged his knees, wrapping his arms around them and rested his head on them. You said you'll hug me to sleep, but you left. You said you'll wait for me, but you lied. You said you'll work on deserving the title father, but you aren't here for me to call you by it. What am I supposed to do now?

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