Frerin ~ Eternal

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You waited with baited breath, all the weary and worn soldiers returning from battle, hurrying to their waiting loved ones, tears being shed, both in joy and in grief.

They had all known the risk but they all knew it had been necessary.

There was lump in your throat that grew the longer you watched, had been growing since word reached you of the king's death, and already with the people in mourning, all this news of more deaths weighed heavily on everyone.

But there was one you were yet to hear of.

You had thought that words of the princes survival would have filtered through, but there was nothing and you could feel Dis tense by your side.

"I promise I will come back to you." His last words came back to you. "Never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about."

You drew in a deep breath and Dis cast you a worried glance before taking your hand. You were in this together.

Thorin appeared first, looking exhausted and a heavy weight on his shoulders. Dis relaxed slightly, but her hand still flexed in yours, the others still hadn't appeared.

A shuddering breath left you, your heart racing as Thorin spots the two of you, his expression worn and grim. Surely things hadn't gone so badly, surely both of them wouldn't leave you like this.

Dis shifted next to you and started to walk forward, her head held high and you let her lead you towards Thorin, not entirely sure you could manage on your own, your very soul trembling with the thoughts that you were rushing through your mind.

Thorin turned and said something back to someone and for a moment, your heart stopped.

Frerin and Vili appeared, leaning a little on each other, but both grinning as soon as they saw the two of you approaching.

You sobbed and rushed forward, letting go of Dis's hand, even as she sighed in relief, heading straight for Frerin, who stepped away from Vili, holding his arms wide.

Nothing else mattered except holding him and your arms went tight around his neck, burying against his chest as you sobbed, his arms coming around you, a low chuckle leaving him.

"I said I'd come back to you." He said quietly in your ear before planting kisses in your hair. "You don't have to fear for me Y/N."

"Of course I do," Your voice was mumbled against him. "You are my one. What kind of-"

"Hush my love," Frerin's hands push you away gently, cupping your cheeks, his thumbs wiping away your tears. "You know that I am always with you, no matter what happens."

You sniff, looking at him with shining eyes. "I'm glad you are alright Frerin."

He beams at you and places a quick kiss on your lips. "I don't think I need to say it was the thought of you that kept me alive love." He wraps you back into his arms, beaming even as you huffed a small laugh. "Now, let's go home."

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