Kili ~ Fight

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This was it, the final battle. To say you were terrified would be an understatement, you heart pounding loudly in your ears, your grip too tight on your sword. You knew, just by the shouts, the screams, the screeches and the horn calls alone, all those noises that you'd been hearing for the last hour or so, that you could die out there.

Had you not been with your people, had you not been surrounded by those that you now considered more than friends, you would have been running as far away as you could.

It wasn't that you were a coward, it was more that you had never considered yourself as a warrior before, any weapon having felt unnatural to you before the journeys start.

Everyone had been patient though, they had trained you, and now, even though your hands were aching from the grip you had, you knew that this was the only thing that could save your life.

You were behind Kili as you all pulled at the rope holding the bell and it helped seeing someone familiar, even as he sent a nervous smile back at you. He had helped you the most through all this and you knew that he wouldn't be far from your side out there.

The charge and the start of your time in battle all seemed to pass in a blur of colour and noise, hardly thinking as you fought, something that they'd all assured you would happen in a moment such as this. You had to trust your skills, had to trust your instincts, and that was precisely what you were now doing.

You weren't brought back to reality until a blade sliced across your side.

It was as if everything halted, your world seeming to tilt a little as you crashed down hard onto one knee, the pain almost muted at first before it suddenly ripped through, drawing a haggard gasp from your lungs, instinctively covering the wound, trying to stop the pain.

Tears blurred your vision, hardly even aware that the orc was turning back to you to finish the job, all you think about was the pain and then the sight of blood on your hands as you brought it into view, almost feeling your heart stutter as fear gripped you.

The orcs shriek brought you around, your feet surprisingly steady as you held your sword up in front of you, only finding Kili there, his face filthy and flushed as he looks at you with wide eyes, a deep fear within.

"Y/N," His voice broke and he licked his lips, quickly glancing around, making sure that the two of you had a moment before he joins your side, looking at the wound that you had quickly regripped. "Are you alright?"

"I don't know." It was out of your mouth before you really thought about it, your bottom lip starting to tremble as reality started to sink in heavily.

Kili thought quickly before taking your cheeks between his hands, his gaze steady holding yours. "Y/N, don't think about it."

You breathing was getting harder as panic started to overwhelm you but Kili wasn't going anywhere.

"Don't think about it." He said again. "We will have time for that later, once this is over. You are strong, you can pull through this."

You close your eyes briefly, wanting to believe him, but the pain growing in your side seemed to flare, making you gasp.

"Y/N, look at me." He said and you couldn't quite believe the slightly stern note in his voice as you opened your eyes again. "Final lesson. Fight like you'll never die, fight to stay alive. That's all you have to do."

Something about the way he said it drew you back, actually made you smile. "I think you've been spending too much time with Dwalin and Thorin, Kili."

Kili grins at you. "Don't let them hear you say that, I'll never hear the end of it."

You cracked a laugh at this, which helped to mute the pain and draw you back to the battle, to the noise and you drew a steadying breath, going back to Kili's gaze.

Whatever Kili saw as he looked at you, seemed to make him realise just how serious all this was, and without a second thought, he crushed his mouth to yours in a kiss that promised he wasn't going anywhere, that he would stay with you, make sure that you didn't get hurt again or didn't worse and you wanted nothing more than for that kiss to last forever.

He broke away though, still looking serious. "You stay with me Y/N, you hear me?"

You swallow and nod, determination filling your gaze at the prospect of something promising in the future.

Kili gives a grim smile and moves away, staying close to your side as your grip returns firmly to the blade, steadier this time. You were doing more than just fighting for your friends and for your life now, you were fighting for a home and a place in the world that you never thought you were going to have.

And you were determined to fight with every last ounce of energy in your body.

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