The Company ~ Calm down, this...

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You'd been following the company for a few days now, just staying out of sight, wondering still what they could possibly be up to. For a group that talked so much, you'd never heard anyone talk so little about the road ahead of them.

Bilbo had been the reason that you got this far, having never seen him run so fast before, and in sheer instinct and curiosity, you followed, then hung back, watching in awe as he began to travel with this group of dwarves.

A couple of times, you'd thought you'd lost them, after all, they were on ponies and you were just on your own two feet, but you always caught up, the trail easy to follow through the grass. At night, you sat just at the edge of camp, quick to dart away should anyone wonder in your direction. You didn't really know why you hung around, it was very unusual for a hobbit after all, but you guessed that it was better than what could ever be going on back at home.

After another day or so, the dwarves were starting to grumble.

"I swear I feel someone watching us."

"It's not just me then?"

"Aye, I feel it to."

"I thought I was going mad."

It led to long searches in the areas they camped, in which you always made sure you were far enough away or well enough hidden that they couldn't find you, having little doubt that you would be in trouble if you did, and sneaking back once they stopped. It also led to a tighter watch at night, usually with two on duty, which made sneaking in and taking a bit of food a lot harder, but no less fun, always vanishing again with a smile on your lips.

"Gandalf, can't you do anything against this feeling?" One of the younger dwarves with dark brown hair complained one day while you were still in earshot. "It's mighty frustrating and we haven't found anything yet."

Gandalf, who you knew from tales around the Shire smiled under his bushy beard. "Even if I could Kili, it would still do little to make our little follower known. I don't believe there is any ill intent involved, if that is of any comfort."

It clearly wasn't, grumbles going through the dwarves and Bilbo casting the wizard a worried look.

It was another day and camp set up and settled for the night before you made a mistake, the round dwarf seeing you as you dashed in to get food.

It was the first time you'd really known fear as he called for everyone to get to their feet as you dashed with a frightened squeak away, quickly losing them in the woods that surrounded their camp.

"Was it a ghost?"

"It was pale enough."

"Is that what's been following us? It was so small!"

"It could clearly kill all of us in our sleep if it wanted to."

"Don't be ridiculous."

"Ghosts can't kill people can they?"

They did an extra-long search after that and you had to move several times as they got a little too close for comfort, but eventually, the camp settled again.

The next morning, they left early, almost leaving you behind as you'd stayed up most of the night waiting for them to go back to sleep, and you had to hurry to catch up. This meant you almost made yourself known by coming over a crest in a hill, finding them stopped for lunch, and hurriedly having to run a little bit away again and hope that you hadn't been seen.

You had little doubt now that there would be serious trouble if you did.

Although, with your stomach rumbling and feet starting to ache, you almost wished they did.

That night, you wished that you hadn't had that wish.

You'd found yourself a cosy little spot, having successfully taken a meal again, and you were just starting to doze off when you felt someone near.

A shadow approached and made you scream.

The dwarves were on their feet in an instant, shouting about ghosts, many of them arming yourselves, but they all quickly stared as Bilbo dragged you into the fire light, anger across his face.

"The ghost!" Kili exclaimed. "Bilbo caught the ghost!"

"Calm down, this is definitely not a ghost." Bilbo said angrily, starting to brush the dirt off of your clothes as you refused to look up. "Y/N, what are you doing here?"

"I was curious when I saw you running..." You said softly.

Bilbo looked at you as the dwarves just stared, Gandalf looking on amused. "All this way? How on earth have you kept up?"

"I'm fast on my feet, you know that." You said, still refusing to meet his eye, even as he tried. "I'm sorry Bilbo, please don't send me home."

Bilbo sighs and leads you over to where he had been sitting and where you were sure that he'd been asleep when you snuck into camp. "Sit down Y/N." He waits until you listen and then moves to the camp fire, getting a larger bowl and filling it with soup, coming back and handing it to you. "Here, eat up."

There were several looks of panic. "Bilbo, you can't feed the ghost!"

Bilbo shakes his head. "I've told you, this isn't a ghost." He looks around at them all, a hint of sadness in his gaze. "This is my cousin, they were just born a little differently, that's all."

You look up shyly, red eyes looking at them, most of which who quickly looked away and then kept glancing back.

"It hasn't been easy, but I promise that Y/N is no different from me." Bilbo said to them and then looked at you, quickly looking back at your bowl as you ate. "Despite what they look like, they are just another hobbit."

One of the other younger dwarves stepped forward a little nervously, but curious. "But Bilbo...why are they so white?"

"It's how they were born," Bilbo said and sits next to you, quickly giving you a comforting smile. "Y/N's been treated somewhat terribly for it too, but for no reason apart from that. They have become naturally quiet because of it."

There was this odd pause as the dwarves looked at each other, not sure how to take this.

Thorin stepped forward. "Then why were they following us?"

You bit your lip as Bilbo looked at you, not wanting to answer.

"Come on Y/N," Bilbo said quietly. "It is a fair question."

You shrug. "I wanted to know what was happening, it's not like anyone will miss me at home anyway."

Bilbo sighs. "You saw me running?"

You nod.

Bilbo looks at you and you shuffle a little guiltily, breaking away from gaze again.

"If I might suggest," Gandalf cut in for the first time, making everyone look at him. "That it would be unwise to send Y/N home."

"Gandalf, you surely cannot want-"

"Considering they avoided all of your detection for so long," Gandalf cut over Thorin. "I think that they could be worth having with us. Two burglars could always be better than one."

There is shared mutter around the dwarves as they huddled together and you looked at Bilbo.


Bilbo nods, looking grim. "It's a long story."

You blinked before you smiled. "Sounds exciting."

He gives a soft laugh. "Trust me, after a few days traveling with dwarves, you may change your mind."

You shrug, happily looking back at the dwarves as they all look at you. "I'll do it."

They all paused, sharing a look again before seeming to agree, making Bilbo chuckle.

"Well done Y/N," He said quietly to you. "I think that's the first time I've seen them speechless."

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