Nori ~ Talk Dirty to Me

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"Did you hear the latest?"

"You mean during that drunken brawl?"

"Yes! I mean, can you believe it? I would never have thought that they'd be the type."

"Oh please, Nori is definitely the type, but Y/N..."

Your ears pricked up at the mention of yours and Nori's names, glancing over at the two women who were gossiping together, not aware that you were only a few steps away in the market.

"It's always the quiet ones. I've always warned my son about getting involved with those types, you never really know what they are going to get up to."

A frown creases your brow, starting to wonder exactly what happened during drinks the other nights that would get the gossips of the town talking.

"But Y/N has always been so sweet."

"Yes, but didn't everyone talk when her and Nori started courting?"

"Yes, but-"

"And with a personality like that, you have to just wonder what someone like that is capable of."

"Surely that's a private matter dear."

"Not according to her husband."

There is a pause and the two women glance around as if feeling your eyes on them and you were quick to return to what you were doing, their voices lowering further as they hurried away, leaving you still wondering just what they'd been talking about.

A few odd looks during the rest of your time in the market had you now curious and frustrated enough to leave your tasks for the day and hurry towards home, wanting to have a chat to Nori about just what he'd been saying to get everyone seemingly talking.

Ori ran into you on the way home. "Oh! Hello Y/N!"

There was no missing as Ori's face went bright red and your gaze narrowed a little on the young dwarf. "Hello Ori, I don't suppose you've seen Nori around have you?"

Ori's face went an even darker shade of red and he was careful to avoid your gaze. "No, I'd imagine he's at...home."

You sighed heavily, hoping to at least get it out of him. "What's going on Ori? Why are you acting strange?"

Ori shakes his head, his voice suddenly a note higher. "Nothing. I'm fine."

"Uh huh."

He takes a cautious step backwards, away from you. "I-I promise. It's n-nothing."

But you were starting to get angry now. "Ori, what on earth has Nori been up to this time?"

Ori's expression crumbled and he was quick to stare down at his feet, mumbling something that you didn't quiet catch.

You were about to ask him what he said when you were interrupted. "There you are Ori, I was wondering-" Dori paused as he saw you, your arms folded as you glared at him and he hurried over. "Hello Y/N, apologies to drag Ori away, we're running late!"


"No, no time to talk Y/N, sorry! Perhaps we'll see you later for dinner!" Dori caught Ori by his arm and was quick to drag poor Ori away, who gave a half terrified squeak at your furious expression followed them.

Turning on your heel, you marched home, closing the door quietly behind you. "Nori?"

"In the drawing room love."

You kept a calm façade, not wanting to give him a chance to run, standing in the doorway of the room, watching as he looks over a set of jewels on the table. "Busy day?"

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