Dwalin ~ Joy

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You were glad to be able to get out of the house for a while, enjoy the sunlight on your skin, but eventually you felt it was time to return home and decided to buy some fresh bed on the way, it wrapped and tucked under your arm.

The sound of laughter brought a smile to your lips, followed quickly by running feet and a loud squeal as you entered your home. The squeal turned into more laughter and a following chuckle.

"Oh? Did I find your ticklish spot?"


You walked in as your daughter burst into laughter again, Dwalin tickling her ribs, grinning and laughing with her, making your smile widen.

"I'm glad you two are having fun." You said.

Dwalin looks up, slightly flushed as your daughter struggled free from his hold and hurried over to you. "Mumma!"

You bent and scooped her up into one arm. "Hello my darling, have you been having fun with Papa?"

She nods furiously. "Except for when he tickled me."

"Oh? And here I was thinking that you couldn't stop laughing?" Dwalin grins and tickles her again, making her squeal and struggle in your arm as he chuckles and leans in and gives you a kiss.

She pushes him away. "Papa, stop!"

Dwalin laughs and stops, taking the bread from you. "Did you enjoy your walk love?"

"I did," You nod. "Although, I'm sure you two would've liked to have joined me."

"That would defeat the point of having some time out," Dwalin said, smiling at you, leading the way through to the kitchen. "Besides, I think the little bear had great delight in showing me how strong she's gotten."

Your daughter giggled. "Papa's going to be no match for me one day."

This made you both laugh as you sat her on the table.

"Let's set our sights a little smaller first, shall we?" You kiss the top of her head. "I think Kili would be a good start."

Dwalin laughs, even as her eyes light up. "Are Fi and Ki coming over?"

"Soon," You dig through the cupboards, pulling out some jam. "But shall we enjoy some afternoon tea first?"

"Let me do that," Dwalin takes the jam off you, making you sit. "I said I'd handle everything today."

You laughed. "Is that why I ran into Fili and Kili telling me that they'd be coming over later?"

Dwalin grins sheepishly. "Well, you can't say that she doesn't enjoy time with them."

"Uh huh."

"Plus," Dwalin places a plate full of bread and jam on the table. "When you said you wanted some time, it made me think that we haven't spent a lot together, so I roped those two into babysitting."

You took a bite from the bread, watching your daughter as she began to eat the middle where all the jam was. "Well, she'll be good and hyped up."

Dwalin took a large bite out of his own slice, grinning. "Oh, I'm well aware, but they won't know that."

You laughed as Dwalin winked and couldn't be more grateful for being home.

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