Fili ~ Don't blink or...

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You actually paused outside your front door as you go to enter, a small frown creasing your forehead and wondering exactly what was wrong.

It was quiet.

Your eyes narrowed a little suspiciously. One thing your home was, was never quiet, and with three young boys running around, you never expected it to be, not until they were old enough to understand anyway.

So the fact that it was quiet, especially having left them with Fili for a few hours as you visited your family, was more than a little concerning and had several scenarios running through your mind.

Finally, you pushed open the door, sticking your head inside first to have a quick look around before walking in.

Inside now, the silence was almost deafening.

"Fili?" You called, a little nervously, wondering if something had meant them having to leave the house.

"In the back room love." Fili's voice came from down the hall, making you give a momentary sigh of relief until the suspicion kicked in again.

So cautiously down the hall you went, going so far as to check doorways and corners, knowing full well what your boys were like.

However, you were stunned to come to the back room and find all four of them seated on the floor. Your three sons sitting in front of their father with wide eyes, who smiles as you enter.

"How were your parents Y/N?" He asked.

"Fine," You said, a little slowly. "Asking after all of you."

Fili nods. "Well, we'll visit them next time, won't we boys?"

They all nod and you notice that they all seem to have a rapt attention on Fili's hands.

"What are you doing?" You asked, still not entirely convinced that this wasn't some sort of joke.

Fili's smile just widens and he holds up a coin, making the boys shuffle in closer. "Should we show Mama?"

They all nod furiously.

Fili winks at you. "Okay. Are you ready?" Again, they nod, eyes glued to the coin. Okay. Remember, don't blink or you'll miss it."

You watched then in sheer amusement as Fili made the coin disappear, the boys gasping and eagerly looking at each other.

"How did you do it Pa?" One of them asked excitedly as he shows them empty hands, all of them looking at him expectantly.

Fili was grinning widely and shakes his head. "Weren't you watching? Here." With that, he pulls the coin back out from behind one of their ears, making them gasp and cheer.

You chuckle, earning a look from Fili as the boys took the coin and examined it over and over.

"Is it a magic coin?" One asked.

"Hmmm, I don't think so." Fili said lightly as he pulls out another coin from his pocket and proceeds to make that disappear too and grabs it from another one's ear.

The youngest looks at him with wide eyes. "Pa is magic."

The boys all seem to agree quickly to this, looking at him with wide eyed wonder making you laugh and properly come into the room.

"Well, he's had to learn some of it from the best." You said and then spun a new coin along the back of your hand before making it vanish too, making the boys gasp when you then proceeded to pull it out of Fili's beard, making him laugh and shake his head.

You had the coin to them. "Now, why don't you go put those away and then wash up for dinner?"

You don't think you'd ever seen them agree so quickly, hurrying away and talking excitedly to each other.

Fili rests against you with a heavy groan. "Show off."

You smiled at him. "Let me guess, you wanted something to quieten them for a little while?"

He smirks and wraps his arms around you. "It worked didn't it?"

Nodding, you kiss his cheek. "Yes, until they start asking what else we can do."

Momentarily, his face fell, before he sighed. "Guess I'll have to learn a few more tricks then."

Chuckling, you pat his cheek. "Well, maybe if you ask nicely. Of course, I can't give all my secrets away."

Fili scoffs. "So you are just going to leave me at the mercy of our boys?"

"That does sound rather appealing."

He groans. "I married a witch!"

You laugh and push him away. "Don't be dramatic, you knew what we were getting into."

Fili grins. "Oh, I know."

Heat flushed your face, making you smile. "Now Fili, you keep up that behaviour and you'll go without dinner."

He mock pouts. "What? Even after looking after them all day?"

"Well, unless you go make sure they are actually getting clean..." You left it hanging, smiling.

Fili laughs and gives you a quick kiss. "Fine, but only because you push such a hard bargain."

You pull him back in for another. "Fili?"

"Yes Y/N?"

"I love you."

He smiles and rests his forehead against yours. "I love you too."

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