Thorin ~ Chastity

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The cool air of Lake-town was helping calm your nerves, settling away the edge you'd been on since leaving Beorn's. You knew the cold would only help momentarily, but for now, it was more than enough so as you weren't feeling every little thing.

Warm arms wrap around you and a nose nuzzles a little behind your ear as lips press a soft kiss to your neck. "It is cold out here."

Your arms fold over his as you fight back a sigh. "It's better."

He pulls you closer to him, your back pressed to his front tightly, his warmth seeping into you. "I know how hard this is Y/N, but there is no need to torture yourself for it."

The sigh escapes this time. "We both have our own coping mechanisms Thorin. I need this. Please."

Thorin hesitates for a moment, but then pulls away. You can feel his eyes on you as you return to lean on the balcony, staring at the water below.

Gandalf had invited you on this quest and you'd met the company just outside of Bree, having had your own issues the night before, and again, Thorin had stared at you, but then, that had been for a very different reason.

Neither of you had ever thought that you would find someone living with what you are.

It had been a...tense explanation, when the two of you had had a quiet chance to talk, both of you weary of the other, keeping any real reaction well hidden until Thorin had told you that his family had been like this for several generations now.

You'd never heard of a werewolf being born before.

Thorin had been equally as stunned to hear that you had survived an attack from a wild one, as he'd never heard of such a case happening. As it was, his own people had put certain measure's in place to ensure that such a thing couldn't happen after many deaths early on, but you explained that out in the wilds, such cases were rare, but not unheard of.

It started something unlikely between the two of you and a part of you was sure that Thorin was just glad to have someone along that could understand, someone that wasn't his two nephews, who were also shocked by your appearance, and it wasn't long before quiet words and shared looks were had between the rest of the company.

The werewolf side of you was always in the back of your mind though, the itching in your gums, the aches in your fingers and burning in your joints. The longer things went without a transformation, the worse it all got.

"Wolves aren't meant to be caged." Thorin had said one night when you asked him how he coped with such things. "Sometimes it is necessary for them to be let lose, if just to tame them again for a while so we can have some normalcy back."

"We are surrounded by others Thorin," You'd said back. "We cannot possibly do so out here."

But it seemed Thorin had already planned for this. You, Fili, Kili and himself staying behind for two days while the company continued on, and, despite your nerves, you felt the thrill of the hunt starting, although you weren't sure how you'd react to suddenly having others around you.

Four sets of howls filled the air that night, you falling into easy step beside Thorin, as if you belonged there, Fili and Kili on either side. Together, the four of you hunted, killed, and put your wolfish sides to eventual rest.

You and Thorin were particularly quiet for the following days, both knowing, but being unwillingly to say anything, still not quite ready to believe that such an odd coincidence could happen.

But as you leapt in front of Thorin to save him from a warg, you both knew that this unspoken thing could not remain so.

"You were lucky you did not turn," Thorin said by your bedside in Rivendell, your leg having been tended to from where the warg had sunk in its teeth. "You were lucky that it did not put the rest of the company at risk."

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