Fili ~ My hair...

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There was fury in your step, making other dwarves quickly hurry out of the way, knowing that you were definitely not someone to get on the wrong side of right now. Murmurs followed you, but with your heart beat pounding in your ears, you didn't hear them, to focused on tracking down the dwarf that was about to face the raw force of your fury.

You didn't quite kick in the door, but it wasn't exactly a gentle push either. "KILI!"

The several heads that were around the table in the meeting room snapped up, Kili almost instantly on his feet.

It didn't matter to you what you interrupted, even as Thorin opened his mouth to talk, you stalked forward. "Of all the things that you could have possibly done, this is by far the worse!"

Kili, who was clearly caught between terrified and amused, made sure that the table stayed between the two of you. "I don't know what you are talking about Y/N, I haven't done anything!"

"Don't you dare try to shove this off!" You roared. "Look at me!"

He couldn't hold back his laugh then, making your eyes flash and Kili swallowed, his smile fading. "Now Y/N, I warned you when we started this-"

"You didn't have to go after my hair!"

"All fair's in war, it's not like it won't-" He bolted as you lunged for him, looking a little concerned at how close it had been. "Come on Y/N, it's harmless fun!"

"My hair is just a freaking nightmare!" You bellowed. "Do you have any idea how long it will take to get this clean? And with a gala tonight!"

Kili's face fell. "Oh. I didn't think of that."

Thorin groans from the table. "Obviously not. Would the two of you kindly-"

"In all fairness Uncle, she started this. I warned her and-"

"Don't you dare throw this on me Kili!"

"It's true!"

"No, what's true is that I'm about to shove my boot-"

Fili stood then and took your arm, making you stop your advance on Kili. "Enough Y/N." He glanced at Thorin, who waves him off. "Come on, let's go get you cleaned up."

The threat of tears were making your eyes burn, your hair, which was filthy, filled with dirt, honey, leaves, feathers, and a number of other things that you didn't want to think about tangled within, made you look wild. "Nothing's going to work."

"Of course it is, he's not stupid enough to do anything permanent." Fili said gently. "Now, let me help you, okay?"

Sending a final glare at Kili, you stormed from the room, Fili close on your heels.


"I don't want to hear it Fi."

"Don't be like that."

The tears were starting now, but you kept walking. "Yeah, you warned me, thanks."

He grabs your arm and forces you to stop, where you instantly hang your head to hide your tears, but Fili was having nothing of it, his finger under your chin to bring your gaze to his. "That's not what I was going to say." When your gaze is sceptical, he gives a small smile. "I was going to say that you are still beautiful, even with all that mess in your hair."

You sniff. "You're a sap."

He kisses your forehead. "I'm your sap. Now come on, this could take a little while, but I promise we'll get it fixed, okay?"

You sniffed, but nodded, allowing him to pull you along now.

Fili, as he always had been since the two of you met, was your rock. He spoke patiently and took his time in helping you tend to your hair. He was quick to calm you whenever the frustration peeked again, quick to ease the sobs that would still break through, and quick to take over if it was just too much. He knew what to say, what to do, and it always amazed you at how endless his patience was, especially around your hotheadedness.

You'd asked him once and he'd just chuckled and shrugged it off.

You watched him now, focused on a part of your hair that he'd managed to finally clean up, brushing it through carefully.


His gaze meets yours, making you sigh.

"I'm sorry I barged in like that, I was just so mad..."

Fili gives you a smile. "I found it rather amusing, trust me. If Thorin and the others of the council weren't there, I would have been laughing as you chased Kili around, it was the least he deserved." He gives a light chuckle. "I'm sure, if Thorin had been in a better mood, he would have done so too, but maybe apologise to him later, in case he still hasn't quite recovered."

You watched him focus back on your hair, starting to braid it in a way that so familiar to you now, you knew each little twist he made. "What should I do about Kili?"

He shrugs. "That's entirely up to you." A smirk comes to him. "If you wish, I can certainly help with something elaborate."

You grinned and broke into giggles. "If we teamed up, he wouldn't know what hit him."

Fili places one of his beads back into your hair, tucking it behind your ear as he smiles and starts his attention on the rest of it. "No, he really wouldn't, and I think it would make him think twice about doing something this extreme again, especially to you."

Tilting your head, you look back at him, still smiling. "What should we do?"

He chuckles and kisses you briefly. "How about we focus on getting this fixed first so you are ready for tonight? Then tomorrow we can start to plan."

You pout a little, but nod and pulled him back for another kiss, which lasted longer this time. "You are too good to me Fili."

Fili brushes his nose against yours. "No, I think I'm just right for you, and I will make sure you always know that."

The two of you break into giggles, sharing a kiss or two again before Fili refocuses on your hair, finally free of everything and clean once again. He was going to make sure that it was stunning for tonight and make sure that Kili knew to never go near your hair with a prank war again.

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