Thranduil ~ Sloth

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It had been a busy morning, one filled with lots of talking and several small incidents that the guards had to deal with, but none that enough to distract Thranduil enough from his boredom.

As time for lunch approached however, Thranduil began to wonder where you were.

It was strange, normally you were up only just after him, quickly moving things along and joining him in the throne room to help with advice and keeping him in check, but today, you were absent.

He was quick to dismiss his staff, despite insistencies that he had several more meetings, and go in search of you. As Thranduil went to all your usual places, he started to grow more worried when he couldn't find you.

Finally, he went to your room.

A soft smile tugged at his lips as he found you still curled up in bed under your blankets, soft murmurs leaving your lips as you stir a little in your sleep from the slight noise of the door.

Thranduil shakes his head and walks as quietly as he can over to you, dipping down to his side of the bed, brushing your hair back gently. "Y/N?"

You make a small noise of acknowledgement, opening one eye slightly to look at him, although it was clear that you were still mostly asleep.

This just made him smile more. "What are you doing, my love? You are going to sleep the day away."

"I'm queen, I'm allowed to." You mumbled and let your eyes shut again, your breathing deep and Thranduil knew that you weren't really awake.

He chuckled softly and pressed a kiss to your brow. "Maybe, but don't you think you should've let me know?"

You mumbled something, but it was inaudible as you buried yourself into your pillow, subconsciously not wanting to be disturbed.

Thranduil watches you for a long moment as you continued to sleep peacefully before worry started to gnaw at him again, worried that perhaps something was wrong.

A little reluctantly, he disturbed you again. "Y/N?"

A groan left you this time and you stirred a little more, properly looking at him through multiple blinks to clear the sleep from your eyes. "What is it?"

"Are you alright my love?" Thranduil asked softly, even as you yawned and stretched a little, but made no further effort to leave the comfort of the bed.

"Hmmm?" You frowned a little. "Of course."

" really wish to just stay in bed all day?" Thranduil asked, wanting to be sure.

You smiled, even as you yawned again and sunk back into your pillow, letting your eyes close. "I have sleep to catch up on."

Thranduil blinked at you, still momentarily unsure, before you opened an eye to look to at him, smiling at the small worry still on his face. "I'm okay love, and I'm sorry for not saying anything, but it was just a last minute decision when I woke up this morning. I decided I didn't want to do anything today."

He sighs and finally let's himself relax, placing another kiss on your forehead. "Alright, it's just been strange not having you around."

You brush your hand along his cheek, Thranduil leaning into it, before you lean up and kiss him lightly on the lips. "I'm right here if you need me."

Thranduil chuckles and takes your hand, kissing your knuckles. "After I rouse you again, you mean."

Smiling at him, you just him and close your eyes again and Thranduil tucks in the blankets around you, watching as you quickly drift back into a light sleep. He moves away quietly, shaking his head a little, a smile not leaving him as he heads for the door.

There was a small noise and he glanced back, finding you rolling over back on your side, drifting into a deeper sleep and he just makes out a few words before it fully takes you.

"Can you hear a lullaby?"

Thranduil quietly closes the door behind him before letting out a small laugh and moving away, glad that he had decided to check on you, even if the response hadn't exactly been appropriate for a queen, or what he was expecting, but he was certain that he wouldn't have it any other way.

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