Fili ~ Sadness

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Fili paced furiously, hands tugging at his hair, clearly agitated. He was alone in the room and would occasionally throw some item off of him, usually the heavy jewellery that he was felt was weighing him down, a crown already sitting scattered in a far corner.

There was a soft tap on the door that made Fili pause before glaring at it. "Go away."


Fili shuddered before marching over to the door and throwing it open, you standing there looking at him. "Go away Y/N."

You pushed past him into the room, folding your arms around yourself as you faced him and he slammed the door shut. "That is unnecessary."

"Unnecessary?" He growled. "They are all idiots."

You frowned a little. "I'm talking about slamming the door on me. In there, that was damned near disgraceful Fili."

"If they just listened-"

"You are King," You cut over him, although your voice was quiet. "You need to listen just as much as you need to talk. They are invested in this kingdom as much as you and are only saying what they think is best."

"Well, they are wrong." Fili snarled and shrugged off his coat, taking a deep breath as he did. "And I am tired of being King."

"Thorin taught you better-"

"Thorin isn't here anymore!" Fili yelled, suddenly rounding on with a dark look. "And I don't know why you have this insistence on trying to help when you clearly know nothing!"

A heavy silence fell between the two of you and you fight back a wave of tears that threaten to fall as Fili breathes hard.

"I know I said I'd never give up on you," You could feel yourself shaking, but your voice remained steady, despite how you felt. "But that's exactly what I'm about to do."

Fili froze.

"I can't stand here and watch you do this," You held yourself tall and met his eye. "And I cannot stand here and let you insult me, not after everything I've done, after everything we've shared."

He took a cautious step forward. "Y/N..."

But you step back. "Don't." You bring your hands into your hair and pull out a bead, handing it out him, making him stare with wide eyes. "I clearly do not deserve this."

"You can't-"

"How do you intend to stop me?" Your eyes are shining. "This isn't fair on me Fili, and we both know that, no matter what you want to admit."

Fili's expression was pained, but it was clear he was still angry. "Fine." He holds out his hand you drop the bead into. "Leave me, just like everyone else."

You drew in a shaky breath, refusing to let the tears fall. "I wouldn't have to if you didn't keep pushing me away."

Without another word, you storm past him, slamming the door behind you, making Fili flinch, but he stands in silence, his hand tight around the bead.

With a shout, he throws it, it bouncing off the wall and he stands there shaking, hot tears spilling down his cheeks, alone and no one to come for him.

The Hobbit ~ Tumblr ChallengesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora