Fili ~ Greed

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Fili sat silent on the wall, his brow furrowed as he stared out at Dale, lost in heavy thought, barely paying attention to the movement within the walls.

"That good huh?"

He turned at the sound of your voice, leaning against the doorway watching him, as his gaze turns sad. "I wish I had better news."

You stepped away from the door and stood next to him at the wall, folding your arms to lean on it, watching him as his gaze returned outward. "You tried Fi, that's what matters."

"I guess," His voice was bitter. "It doesn't feel that way though."

You rest a gentle hand on his arm and he almost instantly pulls himself away swinging around to jump off the wall, his feet landing heavily next to you. "Fili..."

Fili starts to walk away. "I can't Y/N, just not at the moment."

"Just talk to me." You fell into easy step beside him. "These don't look like good thoughts to have alone."

He grimaces, jaw clenching a little. "I don't want to talk right now."

You stop, watching him continue. "Okay, well, I'm here when you need me, okay?"

Slowly, he stops, sighing heavily, taking a moment before he rubs the back of his neck. "I can't chase the thought of how easily that could be me."

You waited, watching him.

"I'm his heir Y/N, the same blood is in my veins, meaning...meaning that same sickness could affect me too." His voice goes quiet. "And I don't want to put you through that, I don't want to put anyone through that. I can't."

Slowly, you approach him and this time Fili doesn't move as you place your hand on his shoulder. "Fili...Thorin has had the misfortune of being exposed to this twice. We all know the stories of the time his Grandfather spent with him, of how Thorin would be the only one close enough to be able to somewhat pull him out. That has an effect on someone Fi, whether we like that or not."

Feeling his shoulders slump a little further, you turn him gently to look at you, bringing his gaze to yours. "Thorin did not mean for this to happen, but he was exposed for many years, with none of us really thinking about it, and then to be burdened with the return to Erebor...we both know how much weight that put on his shoulders, we both saw it. He is not weak for giving into Fili, just exhausted."

Fili closes his eyes for a moment and draws in a deep breath. "I saw the greed in his eyes Y/N, I saw the need for more gold, for the Arkenstone. It is all that is driving him now. I fear what will happen with the battle tomorrow."

You cup his cheeks between your hands. "It is a powerful thing, but we can't lose hope that he can pull through. He is strong Fili, just as you are."

He tries to blink away the tears. "Open that door and only death will follow. Those were his final words to me today. How is that strong? How can you say that to your own kin?"

You smile is sad, gently brushing the tears away. "That's when you need to be strongest, for both your sakes. Thorin values you and Kili and the rest of this Company more than the gold in these halls. He just needs to see that again. This greed is but a sickness, one we are all trying to pull him from."

"And you would do the same for me?"

"In a heartbeat Fili." You said softly with a smile. "Because I love you too much to let you go. I love you too much to leave you in darkness."

The tears start falling freely now and you pull Fili into you as he starts to weep, cradling him against you as he grips you tight, letting his emotions run free as you hold him.

"Too many kingdoms are built on greed, it's true." You continued softly. "But I believe that that is changing Fi. For those of us that know that there are more important things, like love, we can change that, but for now, we must remain strong, be greedy with our strength so that we can give it to others when needed, like you did with Thorin today. His words may not have been kind in return, but I promise that it helped, that the good man inside was listening. We will see him again before the end."

"And you would pull me out? Should I fall to the same darkness?" His voice is broken, still clinging hard to you, the tears still falling.

You kiss his cheek affectionately. "Fili, I will be here with you until the end of the line, for whatever you need me for."

He let's out a shuddering breath and you brush your fingers through his hair, still holding him tight, letting him stay as long as he needed, your own gaze growing a little teary as you looked at Dale, knowing the struggle that the people were having in the walls and knowing that tomorrow would not bring much relief.

From the darkened spot where he'd been watching, Thorin pulls away, his expression pained and more confused than what it had been from Fili's talk with him, your words now ringing in his ears. He needed somewhere to think, somewhere where maybe the fog wasn't so strong.

Neither you nor Fili heard him pull away.

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