Dwalin ~ The road is long but...

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You roared with laughter once again, holding your sides as Fili and Kili had you in stitches with the stories they were telling you, both of them laughing with you, all of you nearly at the point of tears.

Most of the company didn't mind, they all knew how rough it had been and were glad to see that some joy could still be found even in these times. Thorin was quiet, but then it was rare that he wasn't, so he didn't stop the three of you, no matter how loud you got. Dwalin, however, was a different story.

You'd been trying to ignore his gaze for a while now, feeling the intensity behind it, the anger, and while it was bothering you, you weren't entirely sure you wanted to broach it with the dwarf.

Once the laughter settled, Fili and Kili started another story, and, seemingly oblivious to Dwalin's anger, didn't think much of it when the story was about him.

You could feel your face flushing as you tried not to laugh, not wanting to make the situation worse, however as they got to a point in the story about Dwalin and pie, you couldn't contain it anymore, laughing loudly once again, holding your sides and actually threatening to tip over.

Dwalin stood furiously. "Are you three quite done?"

Fili and Kili looked at Dwalin innocently, but you were unable to contain your laughter, although you were sure it was coming out of nerves now.

"We're just telling stories Dwalin," Kili said with a grin. "No harm in that."

"At the cost of my embarrassment." Dwalin growled. "And revealing to everything around that we are here!"

"Come on Dwalin, we're just trying to keep the mood up." Fili said. "We've all needed it."

"Well, now I'm telling you to stop." He said coldly. "And you will stop that laughing!"

You managed to finally get your laughter mostly under control, although the occasional giggle still left you. "Come on Dwalin, lighten up a little."

You knew instantly this was the wrong thing to say, Dwalin's arms folding across his chest as his nostril's flared. "When you have been on the back end of their pranks as many times as I have and then enjoy telling stories about it then, then we'll see who wants to lighten up."


"You are being just as much of a nuisance as they are!" His voice raised and your mouth dropped a little, having never heard him like this. "You should never have even come along on this, you are nothing but an annoyance!"

Your eyes went wide as you stared at him, not believing what he was saying, even as Fili and Kili stand in protest.

"Take that back!"

"You can't say that!"

Dwalin's face was flushed but it was clear he wasn't done. "I will not be belittled by you three, especially if you are going to be so naïve and think that we are not in danger and need to be fooling around."

You stand to face him, heat in your cheeks. "Dwalin that's enough." You tried to ignore the dead silence around camp. "If you had any sense then you would be taking the opportunity to join us and actually relax for once!"

"We don't have the luxury of relaxing and if you were any sort of warrior, you would know that." Dwalin towered over you. "In fact, anyone of any use would know that!"

Tears pricked your eyes and you held you head high. "Well then, I guess I'll just go then."

Dwalin froze as you turned and grabbed your pack, ignoring everyone that protested, but you shook off any hands that tried to reach you and stormed away. Raised voices followed you but you couldn't hear any following footsteps.

It wasn't until the noise of camp faded that fast footsteps caught up.

"Y/N, wait!"

You stopped to look back at Kili, glad that it was a well-lit night. "Why should I?"

Kili sighed. "You know Dwalin as well as the rest of us, you know what he's like if he gets in a mood."

"Oh I know," You nod, starting to walk again, Kili following. "I know because he always seems to take it out on me."

"Well...there may be reason for it." Kili said slowly. "I mean, if you listen to Balin."

"If you are talking about Dwalin liking me, I am well aware."

Kili stopped dead, eyes wide. "What?"

"He knows I know too, but the stubborn fool just won't admit it," You said bitterly. "Instead, it all comes out as anger because clearly he's taken a few too many hits to the head."

Kili watched you for a moment longer before a small grin tugged at his lips. "Well, it looks like you've hardly spoken to him either."

You shot Kili a look. "Oh, I have, but he clams up and it quick to find some excuse when I do."

He chuckles. "Oh Y/N...The road is long but he will be worth it, I promise."

Frowning, you shake your head. "Honestly, I don't even know any more Kili. I'm running out of patience."

Just then, someone cleared their throat and you froze, Dwalin standing there looking sheepish, Kili grinning.

"Do you mind if I talk to Y/N alone lad?"

Kili doesn't say a word, just nodding and quickly hurrying back to camp.

Dwalin rubs his neck as you huff, hiking your pack up and waiting expectantly. "Y/N...please...I-I didn't mean-"

"To chase me away?" You asked bitterly. "Yet, that's all you seem to be doing Dwalin."

He sighed and let his shoulders slump. "I never seem to know what to say to you, and then it always comes out wrong when I do."

You glared at him. "That was coming out wrong?"

Dwalin shakes his head. "No, that was...that was..."

"You being jealous?" You asked and his defiant expression told you what you wanted to know. "Dwalin, you dork, you know Fili, Kili and I are friends, you know how I feel about you, they were just trying to make me feel better after the time we've been having."

It was hard to tell in the dark, but you were almost certain that Dwalin blushed right up to his ears. "I...I realise that Y/N, but-"

"You finish that sentence and I'm going to keep on walking Dwalin." You said firmly. "I'm tired of fighting a one sided battle. You either feel the same or you think you do. It's about time you decide which."

"I do!" Dwalin said, a little loudly and took a step forward, before pausing. "Y/N, of course I do, you know I do, I'm not...not good at expressing it, I know, but I never feel I could do it right."

You stared at him, stared at the nervousness in his stance, the uncertainty, and inwardly you sighed. "Well, looks like we'll just have to work on it, like a lot of things."


"I'm not expecting perfection Dwalin," You said softly, closing the space between you and resting a hand on his arm. "Just you."

Finally, he seemed to relax, letting out a slow breath. "Well, I guess I can manage that."

You smiled. "Good, then you can carry my bag back to camp.

You dropped it on his arm without waiting for an answer, him watching after you as you lead the way back to camp, smiling back at him.

"Are you coming?"

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