Bilbo ~ Humility

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It seemed far too soon that your home was full of dwarves, and even though they were laughing and had all greeted you politely, it didn't stop the nerves in your stomach turning it over and over again.

You couldn't help but think that thirteen dwarves were just too many for you straight away.

Bilbo was never far away, much to your relief, often just ensuring that you were okay, even as you kept yourself busy in the kitchen, finalising everything as they all ordered the dining room and got themselves settled after a long journey here.

"Did you need a hand with anything my lady?"

You jumped at the voice, almost dropping the pot you were holding, but Bofur just gave you a friendly smile, waiting for your answer.

You were ashamed to hear your voice shake a little. " can start taking dishes out if you like?"

Bofur nods and starts to carry dishes out, Dori and Ori soon joining him. On the quiet, they raised concern with Bilbo as you seemed to jump each time they entered the room. Bilbo reassured them that everything was fine, but was quick to return to your side when they went back to the dining room.

"Are you alright?" He asked quietly, his arm wrapping around your waist, making you tense for a moment.

You sigh, letting yourself relax in his arms and nod. "Yes, of course."

Bilbo frowns worriedly, seeing the nervousness in your eye. "Y/N..."

"This is...just a lot Bilbo, but I'll be okay, these are your friends." You give him a reassuring smile. "Come on, I've got two more dishes to finish and then I'll be in to join you all."

He kisses your temple lightly. "No one is taking me anywhere, if that is what you are worried about, just as you aren't going to be asked to go anywhere."

You kiss his cheek reassuringly and then chase him from the kitchen, the nerves in your stomach having eased a little at his words. You know that he had mentioned it earlier, but it seemed that, until now, it had still been niggling away at you.

Finally letting out a steadying breath, you gather the remaining dishes and move into the dining room to join them.

Dinner started a little on edge, occasionally flinching a little at some of the dwarves manners, but it seemed that they realised when they saw and there was more than once that they apologised, which only made you realise what you were doing and apologise back.

Bilbo only chuckled each time it happened.

Soon though, you were listening to the tales they told in rapt fascination, not believing some of the things they were saying to what was happening in the borders beyond the Shire. Bilbo seemed to know just the questions to ask, which was of some relief because you had a few, but you weren't sure how to really ask them without sounding too naive.

Then, talk turned to darker things and you shifted uncomfortably in your seat before excusing yourself, moving to the kitchen to start cleaning up, despite assurances that you would have help, but you shook your head and told them to enjoy their time together, it wasn't the first time that you'd have to clean up after a large group gathering.

Unfortunately the kitchen wasn't as far enough away from the conversation as you hoped, their voice carrying down the hall, still talking of what was possibly coming, about how orcs and goblins were more active, and rumours of darkness growing in Mordor.

It wasn't until you dropped a plate on the floor that you realised that your hands were shaking, silence greeting you from the other room as you took a deep breath, quickly crouching down to gather the pieces.

Bilbo was there a moment later. "Are you alright?"

You nod. "Yes, it just slipped from my hand, that's all."

He helped you clean up the rest of the plate from the floor, his hand resting on yours and you give him smile. "Sometimes it's better to know these things Y/N, they might just affect us one day."

"I know," You said quietly. "But knowing is also just...slightly terrifying."

Bilbo smiles and nods. "It is, I always thought I lived through more in that year than I thought I would survive, but I'm still here, aren't I? Just because bad things happen and are happening, doesn't mean that we need to live in fear of them all the time, if we did that, it wouldn't be much of a life now, would it?"

You give him a small laugh and shake your head. "No, no it wouldn't."

"A prime example is that lot in there, right?" Bilbo chuckles. "You were starting to actually relax with them."

Your chuckle was genuine this time and you give him a small nudge before he kisses you softly and leaves you be again.

You eventually give up on cleaning, deciding it can wait till the morning, and instead start making a large batch of tea, bringing in several trays to the room, all the dwarves seeming grateful for the hot drink and small cakes that came along with it.

It was as you were coming back again that a comment got your attention.

"So when are you coming to visit Erebor again Bilbo? Y/N is very welcome to come along too."

You froze in the hall, everything coming rushing back as fear gripped you and made your heart sound so loudly in your ears.

Bilbo gives a small chuckle. "I don't think Y/N is quiet ready for such an adventure quiet yet Bofur, she is much more comfortable here."

Your heart ached a little for Bilbo, knowing that a part of him wanted to go back out there, despite his love for comforts at home, and the thought of holding him back from that...

"It'd be good for her," Bofur said rather cheerfully, followed by several agreements from some of the other dwarves. "She might even find it enjoyable seeing all sorts of new things."

"Need I remind you that you had enough trouble getting me out my door," Bilbo said, amused. "If it wasn't for a certain wizard, then I probably wouldn't have."

"I'm sure Gandalf would love to upset another hobbit's life," Balin laughed. "He seemed rather keen the last time."

"Amused, you mean," Bilbo said. "As much as he meant well."

"You could come back with us," Thorin said. "The two of you would be well protected."

"While tempting," Bilbo chuckled again, even as your heart leapt into your throat. "That would not be a decision I could make on my own, Y/N needs to be in here too."

"Oh, she'd have nothing to worry about," Bofur said happily. "Certainly not trolls, or goblins or orcs, although the sightings are increasing again, so maybe just a small worry, but certainly no fire breathing dragons anymore, that was nice and sorted for us, so really it's just-"

There was a thud and Bilbo was quickly on his feet to look around the corner, sighing as he sees you passed out on the floor.

"Well, that's sudden." Bofur said, the first in the doorway quickly followed by the rest of the dwarves wondering what had happened.

Bilbo shakes his head and hurries over to you. "Seems you have a knack for this Bofur, you might just have to stay away from the rest of Shire."

This earns a round of laughs from the dwarves, but they all help Bilbo move you out of the way and try and wake you up again, quickly promising Bilbo not to bring up travels again, at least not for the moment, and disappeared to go and handle any cleaning left in the kitchen as an apology.

Once you did wake up and Bilbo had you settled, you decided that while you still weren't overly sure of the dwarves, there sense of humour a little odd, but they certainly weren't bad, not as bad as what you'd been warned of growing up, and that started just a small thought in the back of your mind, a worryingly tempting thought, of just how many things you'd been told were wrong and that maybe leaving home wasn't as scary as it should have been.

You watched Bilbo with the dwarves of Erebor, sipping at the hot tea in your hands, and decided that, for the moment, it was a thought for another day, tomorrow at least, and for now you would just learn all that you could about the friends that Bilbo kept.

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