Thorin ~ Total Eclipse of the Heart

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You and Thorin had been avoiding each other for weeks.

It had been like this since you'd unintentionally joined the party, a lone dwarf on the road, being hunted by something far worse than orcs, only to discover that the company was more than capable of fighting them off too.

You'd wanted to run for it after meeting Thorin's gaze, both of you knowing instantly, both in what you were and what you could be for each other, but the attack had stopped that, leaving you wounded and a little in awe at the skills of the other dwarves in dealing with them.

Gandalf had been furious, you were meant to be hidden away with a group of rangers further south, but it had never been in your nature to stay in one spot, which was what had gotten you into trouble in the first place.

But you never expected to meet another dwarven werewolf.

The two of you kept distant, not wanting to trust the emotions and the rumours that you'd both found when you'd first been bitten.

It was taking it's toll though, you kept finding those bright blue eyes staring at you from across the fire, or he would catch you following him unintentionally, your faces always burning furiously when the other caught you.

Neither of you had even mentioned what you were to each other, but even the company could see that there was no need to.

The first real conversation happened after the troll incident, where Thorin had found you staring at him with a frown.

"What?" He asked with a grunt.

"I'm just wondering why you don't use it?" You asked simply. "It might have it's disadvantages, but it also has some good ones."

Thorin's expression is strained. "It is a curse, nothing more. I will risk no harm to those around me."


"It's not something I'm going to discuss Y/N."

The silence continued well into the time you spent in Rivendell, Thorin mulling over both your words and your actions as you'd run from the wargs, saving his life in a leap that no normal dwarf could've ever performed.

This time, he found you.

"You realise there's no point in being quiet around me, right?" You asked as he hesitated behind you as you leant overlooking Rivendell. "I can both hear and smell you."

He frowns and joins you. "How do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Tap into it so easily. You could've easily missed out there. Someone could've gotten hurt."

You nod. "Maybe, but that goes for any fight, doesn't it? I'm not here to prove my ways to you Thorin, I'm just hoping to understand you a bit more."

He stared at you, those blue eyes intense. "And don't you think I'm trying to do the same to you?"

A smile tugged at your lips. "Most likely, I think we're both careful for different reason. You're afraid to let go of the control you have and I'm afraid of what this will actually mean for me in the long run, of what I could lose; either way, I guess we'll eventually find out."

Thorin stared out for a long moment with you, trying his best to ignore what it felt like, of just how much he wanted to reach out and touch you. "I'm not afraid of losing control."

"You're afraid of what you are."

"And you are not?"


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