Kili ~ Awake My Soul

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Stargazing had always been a pass time of yours and Kili's, so when you went on the journey together to take back your homeland, it only seemed fair that it continued.

You would lie together, just out of earshot of the company, heads resting to each other as you faced different ways, staring at the sky stretched out above you. Some night the two of you would sit in silence, just watching the sky turn above you, other nights, you'd try and make patterns and pictures that you would try and have to work out together.

Then, there were nights like tonight, when the mood was a little different and neither of you were really sure what to do.

"Kili?" You asked quietly, glancing at him.

"Yeah?" He answered, quickly meeting your gaze before looking away back at the stars.

You stared at the sky again too. "What do you think Erebor is like?"

"Hmm," He hums thoughtfully. "I don't know really. The way Uncle always says it-"

"I don't want to hear what he says," You said softly. "I've heard that a thousand times. I want to know what you think."

Kili is silent for a moment. "I...I've built up this image, from Uncle Thorin, Ma, and lot of other telling us all those tales. I see large and open halls, lit with a warm light, reflecting the stone, stone that shimmers much like my stone..." His hand wonders to his pocket, patting it absently. "With ceiling too high to see and the floor under the walkways too far below to even think of falling. I imagine there to be a lot of noise when things are in full swing, a booming voice always sounding from one end to the other. It's never cold, mostly due to the constant furnaces, but also because of fireplaces placed everything, keeping the cold at bay and yet, for some reason, everyone is still wearing coats."

There is a pause before you both laugh.

"It is weird how coats are thing huh?" You asked, smiling. "I guess we're just so used to seeing it in the Blue Mountains that we figure Erebor won't be any different."

Kili nods. "I guess that makes sense." He pauses for a moment. "Does...does it feel like we are going home to you?"

You hum in thought. "I don't know, we both grew up in the Blue Mountains, that's home to me, or, the only home I've known, but if...if this is better, I guess it can be home too."

Kili shifts, looking at you and you look at him, both of you glad that the night covered the flush on your cheeks.

He smiles. "I guess so, I mean, as long as we stick together, right?"

You nod. "Yeah, that sounds good to me."

Both of you look away at the same time, Kili clearing his throat, an awkward air sitting between the two of you.

"In these bodies we will live, in these bodies we die. Where you invest your love, you invest your life."

Kili's voice had been quiet that you almost didn't hear it, looking at him again. "Did you say something?"

Kili shifts. " was just something Ma used to say about my father, or more it was something Father used to say about her. It just, I don't know, seemed appropriate. I...I don't know...I don't know what I'd do without you Y/N."

Your face heats up, but you smile looking away as he looks at you. "I'm glad I'm here with you Kili."

You just catch his smile and the both of you look back at the stars, the silence sitting between you now more comfortable, although both of you still a little nervous.

"Hey! That looks like a bear!" You said, pointing to a small cluster.

Kili tilts his head, trying to see it. "No, that's definitely a dragon, see, there's wings there and there!"

"No way, it's totally a bear, and he's surrounded by bees."

The two of you continued like this until breaking into laughter again, the air between you finally settling and neither of you worrying about what was to come.

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